Free E-book for Pastors: What Should You Measure Each Week at Your Church?

“What gets measured gets done,” but what do you measure each week at your church?  Just as you stay (or should stay) on top of the numbers that gauge your health, eg. blood pressure levels, weight and height — the same is true when gauging the health of your church. The numbers are blinking indicators that let you know if all systems are … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Evangelism, Metrics, Ministry, Strategy

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FREE Download: Mental and emotional health strategies for pastors

Ramping up for the busy fall season can be a stressful time. And for us pastors, mental health is still a critically underserved area of our overall health. When time seems short and stressful demands are growing, it may seem easiest to push your health and self-care needs to the bottom of the list — but doing this can eventually … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Health, Leadership

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Starts this week: Live Senior Pastor Coaching – your best year awaits!

Church in the post-Covid era is similar to church before Covid (in more ways that you expect)… yet drastically different (in more ways than you know). For pastors, this is a critical time, with weighty decisions to make about attendance, safety, programs, online church, staffing, and much more. The question is: How do you navigate these unprecedented times? What if I … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Coaching, Leadership, Ministry

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What I’m reading – Best Books of 2023 So Far

We’re more than halfway through the year (which has sure been another one for the record books) and a happy thought occurred to me — we’ve seen a lot of great books already released in 2023! And I’ve read quite a few of them (Over 150+ at this moment + a lot of reviews and summaries. Yep, I’m a book … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Leadership, Ministry

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Let’s make the next year, your best year (an invitation)

Let me introduce you to two true but seemingly contradictory statements: • Church now, on the other side of Covid, is far more like Pre-Covid church than you expect. • Church now, on the other side of Covid, is far more different from Pre-Covid than you expect. That’s something of a head-scratcher, right? It’s a complicated and critical time for … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Coaching, Leadership, Ministry

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Donald McGavran on the Key to Church Expansion

“Church growth follows where the lost are not merely found but restored to normal life in the fold — though it may be a life they have never consciously known. Faithfulness in ‘folding and feeding’ – which unfortunately has come to be called by such a dry, superficial term as ‘follow-up’ – is essential to lasting church expansion.” – Donald … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Leadership

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My secrets to reading more – online this Thursday

Full confession: I wasn’t always the voracious reader that I am today, averaging 5-7 books a week. I certainly didn’t grow up with a love for reading. In fact, I never even completed a book from start to finish prior to age 17! I do like to say that “God gave me a passion to read” and while that’s true, … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Church Growth, Church Systems, Leadership

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Pastor of Groups & Teaching Pastor Position Now Available @ The Journey Church NYC

The Journey is currently looking for an “A” player to fill the role of Pastor of Groups & Teaching Pastor at our NYC campus in Manhattan. We are looking for an experienced, go-getter who is ready to live in NYC, serve in a growing, young church and make a tremendous impact for Jesus. This is a great position . . … Read More

Sandra OlivieriLeadership, Ministry, Preaching, Small Groups

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Q&A: Welcoming and following up with first-time guests

Today we’re revisiting one of the foundational church systems, Assimilation, and answering a few of the most common questions. Improving this system is the fastest way for your church to grow — especially coming out of a pandemic — so any time you invest here will reap great rewards later. Q: WHERE DO YOU START WHEN THERE IS NOTHING IN … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General

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We are Hiring – Use Your Design Skills to Serve God

Church Leader Insights is looking to hire a graphic designer to further God’s mission in equipping pastors and church leaders. The position is available as a “work from anywhere, project by project basis” or a more traditional in-office part-time basis in Boca Raton, FL with the potential to go full-time. Working knowledge of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator is needed. … Read More

Sandra OlivieriLeadership

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