FREE Webinar this Thursday: What’s Working Now in the Systems?

Summer’s officially here and it’s the perfect time for some critical evaluation. That’s why THIS Thursday I’m leading a brand new online event to help you re-examine and update your church systems — and position yourself for major growth the rest of the year! Join me this Thursday, June 27 for a 90-minute webinar, What’s Working NOW: Updating the Eight … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management

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Memorial Day Closeout Sale – Seminars, Sermons and More

Hope you’re ramping up for a great holiday weekend of powerful worship services and of course great times with friends and family. But before you fire up the grill, load up on our buffet of savings during our biggest sale of the year… BIG MEMORIAL DAY SALE – AS LOW AS 25! Choose from 45 Resources – on Sale Thru the Holiday Weekend … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Evangelism, Ministry, Stewardship

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Pastor of Groups & Teaching Pastor Position Available @ The Journey Church NYC

Ever dreamed about living in NYC, serving Jesus in the Big Apple 🍎? The Journey is currently looking to fill the exciting role of Pastor of Groups & Teaching Pastor at our NYC campus in Manhattan. We are looking for an experienced, go-getter who is ready to live in NYC, serve in a growing, young church and make a tremendous … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

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Maximizing Easter Online Training – Your Special Code to Register for FREE

Hey, I still have space available for my all-new 90-minute Maximizing Easter Online Training but hurry, spots are filling up quickly! You’ll discover exactly why 2024 can be the best Easter for your church since before Covid! I’m sharing brand new content to meet today’s opportunities to reach more people than ever for Christ. It’s $49 but through this exclusive … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Systems, Easter, Evangelism, Leadership, Ministry

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Early Easter gift for you – Download At the Cross on Kindle for $0.00

The countdown to Easter is on (just 6 Sundays away!) – and in honor of this season I have a special gift for you that you can also share with your people if you act fast. FREE ON KINDLE – ONLY THRU THIS SUNDAY I’m giving away my Easter book, Kindle edition for FREE right now: My 96-page book, At … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Easter, Ministry, Preaching

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Virtual Pastor Conference Next Week – Grab Your FREE Spot

Registration is closing soon with just a few FREE spots remaining for next week’s big pastor event! You’re about week away from this 3-day online event focused on equipping YOU to abandon average — with a special focus on a pastor’s wellbeing. Join Nelson Searcy, special guests and your fellow pastors for the 2024 Renegade Pastors Conference online via Zoom on Wednesday, February 28; Thursday, February … Read More

Sandra OlivieriCoaching, Health, Leadership, Ministry, Stress Management

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Online Thursday: LIVE Small Groups Training for Your Entire Team

What would it look like if you had 100% of your church involved in small groups? No matter what size your church, you CAN get the maximum number of people engaged in your small groups ministry. There is a proven way for groups to be simple, self-sustaining and life-changing. At this live online 2-hour training, you can gather your whole … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Systems, Church Systems - General, Ministry, Small Groups

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Attn Preachers: Free Ebook – 30 Inspirational Quotes by Vance Havner

“I’ve never known a time when I didn’t want to preach. The desire was always there.” — Vance Havner (1901 – 1986) Vance Havner is remembered as an inspirational revival preacher and today authors and speakers often quote his humorous, insightful phrases to illustrate the truths of the Bible. These gems can both encourage you as a pastor and be used … Read More

Sandra OlivieriLeadership, Ministry, Preaching

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FREE Online Training Next Week: How to Read More (Spread the word!)

It’s true that all leaders are readers!  And you have an opportunity now to get a FREE crash course to make reading a larger part of your ministry in 2024. Nothing will accelerate your growth as a leader more quickly than increasing your capacity to read and comprehend more — plus reading the right books! Bottom line: Through this brand new online event that I’m leading … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Church Systems, Leadership, Ministry

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Your New FREE Reading List: Best Books of 2023 for Church Leaders

Like so many pastors, you probably have a goal to read a lot more books this coming year (well, at least I hope you do because it’s a fact, leaders are readers!). So I don’t want you to waste another minute searching on Amazon to figure out what to read next…I’ve done the work for you. In the midst of … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Church Growth, Evangelism, Leadership, Ministry, Preaching, Strategy

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