FREE Webinar this Thursday: What’s Working Now in the Systems?

Summer’s officially here and it’s the perfect time for some critical evaluation. That’s why THIS Thursday I’m leading a brand new online event to help you re-examine and update your church systems — and position yourself for major growth the rest of the year! Join me this Thursday, June 27 for a 90-minute webinar, What’s Working NOW: Updating the Eight … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management

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What should you measure each week at your church? (insider e-book)

“What gets measured gets done,” but what do you measure each week at your church?  Just as you stay (or should stay) on top of the numbers that gauge your health, eg. blood pressure levels, weight and height — the same is true when gauging the health of your church. The numbers are blinking indicators that let you know if all systems are well maintained or if they are in need of improvement. Keeping … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Metrics

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Assimilation = Life Transformation this Easter

How connected are you to the first-time guests coming to your church? How many guests have you had in the last month? Over the last year? Each of those guests was a gift to you from God. Did your response show your appreciation? Did you have a plan in place to integrate them into the life of your church? Do … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Easter

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Online Thursday: LIVE Small Groups Training for Your Entire Team

What would it look like if you had 100% of your church involved in small groups? No matter what size your church, you CAN get the maximum number of people engaged in your small groups ministry. There is a proven way for groups to be simple, self-sustaining and life-changing. At this live online 2-hour training, you can gather your whole … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Systems, Church Systems - General, Ministry, Small Groups

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Free E-book for Pastors: What Should You Measure Each Week at Your Church?

“What gets measured gets done,” but what do you measure each week at your church?  Just as you stay (or should stay) on top of the numbers that gauge your health, eg. blood pressure levels, weight and height — the same is true when gauging the health of your church. The numbers are blinking indicators that let you know if all systems are … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Evangelism, Metrics, Ministry, Strategy

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Donald McGavran on Christian Mission

“Christian mission is bringing people to repent of their sins, accept Jesus Christ as Savior, belong to His Body the Church, do as He commands, go out and spread the Good News, and multiply churches.” – Donald McGavran, father of the Church Growth Movement, missionary to India and China, one of the premier missiologists of the twentieth century December 15, 1897 … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry

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Q&A: Welcoming and following up with first-time guests

Today we’re revisiting one of the foundational church systems, Assimilation, and answering a few of the most common questions. Improving this system is the fastest way for your church to grow — especially coming out of a pandemic — so any time you invest here will reap great rewards later. Q: WHERE DO YOU START WHEN THERE IS NOTHING IN … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General

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Maximize Your Church by Maximizing Your Systems

We all use systems to help us accomplish our objectives every day. Think about the system you have for getting dressed in the morning. You don’t put on your deodorant until you get out of the shower. You drink your coffee before you brush your teeth. Right? There’s a system to the way you prepare yourself for the day that … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Coaching, Evangelism, Health, Leadership, Ministry, Stewardship, Strategy, Worship Planning

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Free Webinar Today Only: 6 Ways to Build Resilience in Ministry – RSVP NOW

Words sting. Members leave. Projects denied. Covid continues. Spiritual warfare wages. Anxiety appears. Setbacks occur. Ministry often feels like two steps forward and one step back (at its best). But you don’t need to feel overwhelmed, discouraged or even mad at God. Resiliency is learning to manage the spiritual, mental and emotional consequences of setbacks. I’ve lived with these setbacks … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management

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Free Live Webcast – 6 Ways to Build Resilience in Ministry

Words sting. Members leave. Projects denied. Covid continues. Spiritual warfare wages. Anxiety appears. Setbacks occur. Ministry often feels like two steps forward and one step back (at its best). But you don’t need to feel overwhelmed, discouraged or even mad at God. Resiliency is learning to manage the spiritual, mental and emotional consequences of setbacks. I’ve lived with these setbacks … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management

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