Memorial Day Closeout Sale – Seminars, Sermons and More

Hope you’re ramping up for a great holiday weekend of powerful worship services and of course great times with friends and family. But before you fire up the grill, load up on our buffet of savings during our biggest sale of the year… BIG MEMORIAL DAY SALE – AS LOW AS 25! Choose from 45 Resources – on Sale Thru the Holiday Weekend … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Evangelism, Ministry, Stewardship

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Free E-book for Pastors: What Should You Measure Each Week at Your Church?

“What gets measured gets done,” but what do you measure each week at your church?  Just as you stay (or should stay) on top of the numbers that gauge your health, eg. blood pressure levels, weight and height — the same is true when gauging the health of your church. The numbers are blinking indicators that let you know if all systems are … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Evangelism, Metrics, Ministry, Strategy

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Donald McGavran on the Ground to Be Gained

“Let us analyze causes for growth and non-growth. Let us remember that the task is indeed great and complex and ours is only one part of the whole. Let us ask God to forgive our sins – and push resolutely forward as if we had not sinned. There is much ground to be gained and there are many adversaries to … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Evangelism

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Donald McGavran on Christian Mission

“Christian mission is bringing people to repent of their sins, accept Jesus Christ as Savior, belong to His Body the Church, do as He commands, go out and spread the Good News, and multiply churches.” – Donald McGavran, father of the Church Growth Movement, missionary to India and China, one of the premier missiologists of the twentieth century December 15, 1897 … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry

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Maximizing Easter Online Training This Week – Your Special Code

You are invited to join me over Zoom this week for a 90-min Maximizing Easter Online Training. Don’t let this be an average Easter — at this online training, I will show you easy, practical ways to Maximize Easter. You will discover the easy-to-implement (and proven!) ideas you can use to overcome your current challenges and still GROW your Easter attendance. Collected, developed and honed at The Journey Church … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Systems, Easter, Evangelism, Leadership, Ministry

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Proven Easter book to help your people draw closer to God (10 cases left)

With Lent just a week away, we’re officially counting down to the Easter season! Limited quantities are available from the new printing of my powerful Easter book, At the Cross: With the People Who Were There. I don’t want you to miss out on the life change this book can bring to your people this Easter. We have started shipping books and have … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Church Growth, Easter, Ministry, Worship Planning

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Remembering Billy Graham today (free ministry gifts for you)

Today marks the anniversary of Billy Graham’s death. So today we are remembering the life and legacy of the 20th century’s greatest evangelist. And I have two free gifts for you that celebrate Graham’s impact and guide you in your own ministry (below). As he did for many, he impacted me in profound ways. In 1989, his book Peace with God was … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Evangelism, Leadership, Ministry, Preaching

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What is your greatest evangelism challenge in 2016?

As pastors, our primary New Year’s resolution never wavers: Reach more people for Christ and see them grow in a relationship with him.  However, there’s always one challenge after another to make it happen. As you prepare for 2016, take a moment and consider what is your greatest evangelism challenge… . . .Having the tools to conduct an impactful evangelism campaign? … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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AMG takes an ad out for Christ

This post comes to us from Katey Hearth, a writer at Mission Network News. MNN is the broadcast ministry of Cornerstone University that reports on the work of mission agencies and relief organizations around the world. What do you do when you can’t openly speak about the Gospel? Well, you put it in a newspaper ad. At least that’s what AMG … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Billy Graham & Louis Zamperini – The Story Behind the Film Unbroken

This guest post written by Cathy Lynn Grossman explains just how much is left out of the new movie Unbroken, a film about WWII hero Louis Zamperini. The movie will be released on Christmas day. Two October evenings in 1949 brought together an alcoholic war hero and a fiery young evangelist. From then on, neither would be the same. The preaching in that rented … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Leadership

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