Memorial Day Closeout Sale – Seminars, Sermons and More

Hope you’re ramping up for a great holiday weekend of powerful worship services and of course great times with friends and family. But before you fire up the grill, load up on our buffet of savings during our biggest sale of the year… BIG MEMORIAL DAY SALE – AS LOW AS 25! Choose from 45 Resources – on Sale Thru the Holiday Weekend … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Evangelism, Ministry, Stewardship

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Assimilation = Life Transformation this Easter

How connected are you to the first-time guests coming to your church? How many guests have you had in the last month? Over the last year? Each of those guests was a gift to you from God. Did your response show your appreciation? Did you have a plan in place to integrate them into the life of your church? Do … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Easter

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Q&A: Welcoming and following up with first-time guests

Today we’re revisiting one of the foundational church systems, Assimilation, and answering a few of the most common questions. Improving this system is the fastest way for your church to grow — especially coming out of a pandemic — so any time you invest here will reap great rewards later. Q: WHERE DO YOU START WHEN THERE IS NOTHING IN … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General

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Assimilation = Life Transformation

Did you have any first-time guests at your church this past Easter weekend? How many guests have you had in the last month? Over the last year? Each of those guests was a gift to you from God. Did your response show your appreciation? Did you have a plan in place to integrate them into the life of your church? … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Books, Church Systems, Ministry

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Is your church family prepared for new guests this Easter?

As the old saying goes: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. With Easter approaching — one of our biggest days of the year — I’d like to spin that a little and say: If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. Preparation is key to success in any endeavor. To leave your house in the morning, … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Books, Church Systems, Easter, Ministry

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How’s Your Assimilation Process?

With Easter coming up NOW is the time to evaluate your Assimilation process. Do you have one in place that will help you welcome twice as many first-time guests? Assimilation is one of those systems where a little bit of tweaking can reap BIG results. You don’t have to revamp or implement everything at once. With each small step you take, you’ll move … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation

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Bonuses End TODAY – New Assimilation Seminar

You won’t get a second chance with your first-time guests. Once they leave they may be gone for good. So when they walk through your doors, are you doing everything possible to create the best welcome experience, connect with them and continue to build their relationship with God and your church? Or are they slipping through the cracks??  I don’t want … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation

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Fastest Way to Grow Your Church – Period.

Did you know – that the average church in America only keeps one out of every 20 people who walk through the door? That means that the average church has very few first-time guests ever coming back for a second visit. Now imagine . . . if you could make a few small changes and see the majority of your first-time guests return? … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation

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It’s Today – The BIG Reveal!

Great news – the wait is officially over! I can pull back the curtains and reveal to you what my entire team has been working on these last few weeks – my brand new, 10-years-in-the-making resource that will grow your church faster than ever by helping you keep more first-time guests! I’m excited to share this exclusive with you today. Just … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation

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