FREE Webinar this Thursday: What’s Working Now in the Systems?

Summer’s officially here and it’s the perfect time for some critical evaluation. That’s why THIS Thursday I’m leading a brand new online event to help you re-examine and update your church systems — and position yourself for major growth the rest of the year! Join me this Thursday, June 27 for a 90-minute webinar, What’s Working NOW: Updating the Eight … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management

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Your New FREE Reading List: Best Books of 2023 for Church Leaders

Like so many pastors, you probably have a goal to read a lot more books this coming year (well, at least I hope you do because it’s a fact, leaders are readers!). So I don’t want you to waste another minute searching on Amazon to figure out what to read next…I’ve done the work for you. In the midst of … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Church Growth, Evangelism, Leadership, Ministry, Preaching, Strategy

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Planning to Preach in 2024?

Time’s running out to save your spot for next week’s ALL-NEW Planning Your 2024 Preaching Calendar – Online Training. Keep reading to learn how you can sign up for FREE right now! Let me be your guide in this “revised for the new reality” 90-minute online training. In 2024, our churches are facing unique challenges and it’s more critical than ever that we are ready … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems, Leadership, Ministry, Preaching, Strategy, Worship Planning

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New 2024 Preaching Calendar Training – Your Exclusive Code

Hey, you’re invited to sign up for the most anticipated training event I do all year — one that will reveal the unique challenges to preaching in 2024 and literally save you HOURS next year…my ALL-NEW Planning Your 2024 Preaching Calendar – Online Training. Because demand is high…I’m opening registration early and I encourage you to save your spot TODAY. Scroll … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Ministry, Preaching, Strategy

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Free E-book for Pastors: What Should You Measure Each Week at Your Church?

“What gets measured gets done,” but what do you measure each week at your church?  Just as you stay (or should stay) on top of the numbers that gauge your health, eg. blood pressure levels, weight and height — the same is true when gauging the health of your church. The numbers are blinking indicators that let you know if all systems are … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Evangelism, Metrics, Ministry, Strategy

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Maximize Your Church by Maximizing Your Systems

We all use systems to help us accomplish our objectives every day. Think about the system you have for getting dressed in the morning. You don’t put on your deodorant until you get out of the shower. You drink your coffee before you brush your teeth. Right? There’s a system to the way you prepare yourself for the day that … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Coaching, Evangelism, Health, Leadership, Ministry, Stewardship, Strategy, Worship Planning

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Practical help for solo pastors – online this Thursday

Spots are filling up for a special online event THIS Thursday, April 20…I’ll be interviewing Dr. Gary McIntosh about his new book The Solo Pastor: Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Leading a Church Alone. Gary is a professor, church consultant and former solo pastor who knows that leading a church alone is challenging and demanding. He wrote this book to … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Leadership, Strategy

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Free Webinar with Lance Witt: Simplicity Isn’t So Simple – Live via Zoom Thursday

I’d like to invite you to join me THIS Thursday for a timely FREE online training that will help you de-clutter your life and ministry. Because a growing number of pastors are feeling worn out, overwhelmed and over-scheduled. Ever-increasing demands on pastors coupled with a new post-Covid reality often result in little margin for the pastoral priorities that matter most. … Read More

Sandra OlivieriLeadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management, Uncategorized

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How to Run Meetings Renegade Style

As a renegade pastor, you can learn to conduct meetings that are positive experiences. They still may not be particularly fun and exciting; that’s just the nature of meetings. But they can be organized, productive, and beneficial to everyone involved. Here are five keys to making meetings better: Decide whether the meeting is even necessary. Too many meetings don’t need … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Strategy