What is a Renegade Pastor?

What exactly is a renegade pastor? A renegade is someone who has abandoned average in favor of excellence.  He is a rebel with a purpose– someone who rises up against resistance, mediocrity, and conformity.  A renegade is not a lawbreaker.  He’s is not contrarian for contrarianism’s sake.  He is not looking for a fight with other church leaders, but with … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Church Systems - General, Coaching, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy

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Developing a Reading SYSTEM

I love systems. In fact, there’s an entire approach to church that we call the “healthy church, healthy systems” approach, where I teach you the eight systems of a church.  I’ve written books that tie in to each of those systems, to help you apply them in your life. I’ve developed resources for each of those systems, and on and on. … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General, Uncategorized

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What Gets Rewarded, Gets Repeated (Part 1) – First and Second Time Guest Gifts

What you celebrate in your church matters… it matters when it comes to evangelism, discipleship and life charge. Today, I want to challenge you to celebrate the right things and see a greater blessing in those areas of your church. There is an old leadership principle that says, “That which gets rewarded gets repeated,” and I think that’s true. In … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation, Church Systems - General

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Lead Your Church to Grow – Free Webinars This Week & Next

Your church could be reaching more people than it is now and I want to help! You’re invited to join me on a FREE Webinar I’m leading this week and next, called “The 8 Systems of a Healthy Church (and How to Improve Them)” If your church isn’t growing the way think it should be, I can relate.  About 10 … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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Lessons from our 10th Anniversary at The Journey

On Sunday we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of The Journey – what an exciting day! In the midst of the excitement, I couldn’t help but think about our humble beginnings… In fact, I keep thinking about one particular day, about 6 months after we launched. I was walking home from our Sunday service at The Journey. Our attendance had gone from … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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How to Hone Your Church’s Systems for Maximum Impact – Part 4

We have just finished our overview of the impact that the 8 systems had on Fall Creek Baptist Church. If you missed it, Here is the link to all 3 parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 We have been taking a multiple part blog series to evaluate a recent story sent to me from  John Newland, a 3 time coaching participant … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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Free Podcast – 2012 Church Systems Church Health Check Up

As you begin your week, I have a suggestion for you. Don’t be average. The average pastor is going to handle this year just like he did last year and see the EXACT same results. What if you take just 20 minutes and “Check-up” on your church? It’s time to listen to the “2012 Church Systems Church Health Check Up” Podcast, … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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