Generous Giving = Generous Living

Giving generously does not have anything to do with the actual dollar amount you give; it has everything to do with what that dollar amount is in proportion to your income. When you give over and above the minimum requirement, quickly and cheerfully, you are a generous giver, no matter where the decimal point falls. Mark tells us an interesting … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Stewardship

How to Honor God by Learning to Give

In 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, Paul writes, “Now about the collection for God’s people…On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income” (NIV). In this short passage, Paul gives us insight into how we ought to bring our gift to God. First of all, he talks about … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Stewardship

Expanding God’s Kingdom: Tithing in the Local Church

Often people question not the amount of a proper gift but where it should be given. Some people believe they should be able to distribute their tithe as they see fit. They want to control how their money is spent. If they aren’t happy with the way their local church handles its finances, they think they should have the freedom … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Stewardship

Saving for Eternity: Where is Your Money Going?

Understanding God’s ultimate ownership means that we also recognize our role as conduits of his resources. We were not put on this earth to amass treasures for ourselves but to let treasure pass through us and back to a greater purpose. The “get all we can while we can” mind-set that most of us live with is what has driven … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Stewardship

Lead Your People to Give this Fall – $25 Stewardship Seminar (3 Days Only!)

What would it look like if you had a fully resourced church this Fall? How many of your people — current members and first-time guests — would you like to grow spiritually through biblical stewardship? You can’t grow your people or your church without addressing the money issue head on. I learned this long ago — that Stewardship is Discipleship — and … Read More

Nelson SearcyStewardship

Pastor Study: Struggling with Finances? You’re Not Alone! (Part 2 of 3)

I shared the findings of a recent pastor survey that revealed some startling statistics on the state of the average minister’s personal finances. It turns out most of us are struggling to make ends meet. If you aren’t confident about your financial situation, here are four time-tested and helpful tips that will help you reverse course: #1  Have a $1,000 … Read More

Nelson SearcyStewardship