Mental & emotional health strategies for pastors – don’t miss your FREE download

For us pastors, mental health is still a critically underserved area of our overall health. When time seems short and stressful demands are growing, it may seem easiest to push your health and self-care needs to the bottom of the list — but doing this can eventually catch up with you! So I want to make it easier for you … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Health, Leadership, Stress Management

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60% OFF The New You Audiobook – This Month Only!

Right now you save 60% on the audiobook of my best-seller, The New You: A Guide to Better Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness. With The New You, you’ll come away with specific strategies on how to lose weight, get more sleep, lower stress, nurture better relationships, connect with God and much more! Anyone who wants to trade in the … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Health, Leadership, Stress Management

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Virtual Pastor Conference Next Week – Grab Your FREE Spot

Registration is closing soon with just a few FREE spots remaining for next week’s big pastor event! You’re about week away from this 3-day online event focused on equipping YOU to abandon average — with a special focus on a pastor’s wellbeing. Join Nelson Searcy, special guests and your fellow pastors for the 2024 Renegade Pastors Conference online via Zoom on Wednesday, February 28; Thursday, February … Read More

Sandra OlivieriCoaching, Health, Leadership, Ministry, Stress Management

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FREE Download: Mental and emotional health strategies for pastors

Ramping up for the busy fall season can be a stressful time. And for us pastors, mental health is still a critically underserved area of our overall health. When time seems short and stressful demands are growing, it may seem easiest to push your health and self-care needs to the bottom of the list — but doing this can eventually … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Health, Leadership

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Maximize Your Church by Maximizing Your Systems

We all use systems to help us accomplish our objectives every day. Think about the system you have for getting dressed in the morning. You don’t put on your deodorant until you get out of the shower. You drink your coffee before you brush your teeth. Right? There’s a system to the way you prepare yourself for the day that … Read More

Sandra OlivieriAssimilation, Church Growth, Church Systems, Church Systems - General, Coaching, Evangelism, Health, Leadership, Ministry, Stewardship, Strategy, Worship Planning

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Are YOUR Poor Health Choices Impacting Your Family?

By Steve Reynolds One of the first things I did when I stepped onto the field of living a healthy life was to examine how I was living. I quickly realized that my decisions had not only negatively impacted me but had also negatively impacted my entire family. Because I did most of the cooking and grocery shopping at our … Read More

Sandra OlivieriBooks, Health, Leadership

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Mental Wellness: Praying for Yourself

See if you can relate to this scenario. It is five minutes before a big presentation, an important conversation, or a major event, and you find yourself praying, “Oh, God, please be with me here. This is such a big deal, and it really needs to go well. If you would just supernaturally intervene right now, I would be grateful.” … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry

Finding Your Starting Point to the New You

How do you feel today? Do you feel healthy? Do you feel strong and energetic? How are you doing spiritually? Are you walking in deep relationship with God? How about emotionally and mentally? What is going on in your heart and soul? Are you living out the life God has in store for you, or is that life being sidetracked … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry

Mental Wellness: Praise God During Times of Stress

Praising God when things are going well is easy, but how quick are you going to praise him when you feel overwhelmed? When your stress level is high, practice praising God for giving you the opportunity to grow. Let the strain you feel be a reminder to worship God for all he is doing in you and through you. As … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry

Breaking the Cycle of Stress: The Big Sleep

Sometimes the best thing you can do to accomplish more is to get some much-needed rest. That is the idea behind the big sleep—a concept we came across several years ago and have made great use of ever since. Let’s say it is Thursday afternoon. You are trying to pull things together for an upcoming weekend commitment, but because of … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry