Grow Your Church This Summer Webinar – Your Special Code to Register for FREE

While most pastors assume Summer is a time of struggle and suffering, it IS possible to leverage the Summer months to grow your church. And I’d like to show you exactly how next week! BEAT THE SUMMER SLUMP AND GROW YOUR CHURCH My Grow Your Church this Summer Online Training is normally $49 to attend. But through this exclusive post, you have a special code that will allow you to … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Growth Barriers, Leadership

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Maximize Summer By Being Creative With Small Groups (Part 2)

Summer small groups are also an ideal way to raise up new group leaders, for two reasons. Number one, many of your regular leaders will want to take the summer off. In fact, we encourage a summer break. You don’t want leaders to get burned out. And through their break, you open up the opportunity for people who have never led before to step in. … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Small Groups, Uncategorized

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Maximize Summer By Being Creative With Small Groups (Part 1)

Many churches decide to take a break from small groups during the summer, which is a perfectly legitimate thing to do. But if your structure allows for it, summer groups can be extremely effective for getting new people plugged in… especially if you do them creatively. The summer weather gives you and your group leaders the opportunity to plan lots of fun groups that … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Small Groups, Uncategorized

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The Myth of the Summer Slump

MYTH: Memorial Day is right around the corner. You know what that means… Low attendance. People head for the beach, the lake, or the kiddie pool in the backyard and leave you preaching to empty rows. Oh well, that’s the way the summer goes. Just hold on and count the days until fall. There’s not much you can do. REALITY: … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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