Final FREE Christmas Training Video – How Much Can We Raise?

In case you missed it over the past week, I released 2 free videos revealing the basic concept and principles behind planning and conducting an effective Christmas Offering in your church. Today I’m releasing my third and FINAL VIDEO in this series. In today’s video I will talk about the GOAL of your Christmas Offering. Click here for your FREE Christmas … Read More

Nelson SearcyVideos

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A BIG Congratulations to Dr. Gary McIntosh!

On Thursday night, Oct 1, 2015 at the annual gathering of the Great Commission Research Network at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminar, my friend and mentor Dr. Gary McIntosh received the Win Arn Award for Lifetime Achievement in Church Growth Award. No one is more deserving than Dr. Gary McIntosh! He is a great writer, researcher and professor of Church Growth. He is a true … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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I’m Looking for a Great Ministry/Assimilation Pastor @ The Journey Church NYC

Are you called to serve in New York City? The Journey is a young, aggressive, outwardly-focused church in New York City.  The position of full-time Pastor of Ministry/Assimilation & Teaching Pastor is currently available at our Manhattan campus (we also have campuses in Queens and Staten Island). The Journey-Manhattan has over 800 adults attending weekend services, over 950 in groups … Read More

Nelson SearcyMisc

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What is a Christmas Offering? FREE Video Training (Today Only!)

Do you know the best way to go from ‘just barely enough’ to ‘having an abundance’? It’s as easy as understanding and implementing the fundamentals of a Christmas Offering. In today’s FREE training video (part two of my three video series), I’m going to get specific on the WHAT and the HOW of your Christmas Offerings so you can focus … Read More

Nelson SearcyStewardship, Videos

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McGavran Monday: Discerning the Body

In honor of Dr. Gary McIntosh’s new biography of Donald McGavran, here’s today’s Monday moment: “As we consider various factors and principles relating to Church Growth we need abundant, accurate information about the members of our churches. This basic principle of Church Growth is called “Discerning the Body”. Pastors and lay people need to discern the Body in the congregation … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth

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On Writing Sermons – A Saturday Quote

“A sermon is not made with an eye upon the sermon, but with both eyes upon the people and all the heart upon God.” -John Owen, church leader, theologian, and academic administrator at the University of Oxford

Nelson SearcyPreaching

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Why Do a Christmas Offering – and Why NOW (Free Video)

I have an odd question for you… Are you ready to celebrate Christmas? I know, I know, it’s only October, but now is the time to prepare for the most important offering you’ll collect all year – your Christmas Offering! A Christmas Offering is a special offering given during a set period of time around Christmas that encourages people to give over and above their regular … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Leadership, Stewardship

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McGavran Monday – Missionary Eyes

In honor of Dr. Gary McIntosh’s new biography of Donald McGavran, here’s today’s Monday moment: “Christian mission is bringing people to repent of their sins, accept Jesus Christ as Savior, belong to His Body the Church, do as He commands, go out and spread the Good News, and multiply churches” – Donald McGavran Secure your copy of the book at … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks