Why Do a Christmas Offering – and Why NOW (Free Video)

I have an odd question for you… Are you ready to celebrate Christmas? I know, I know, it’s only October, but now is the time to prepare for the most important offering you’ll collect all year – your Christmas Offering! A Christmas Offering is a special offering given during a set period of time around Christmas that encourages people to give over and above their regular … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Leadership, Stewardship

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Why YOU Should Do A Christmas Offering (Free Video)

Have you noticed how early the seasons change in stores these days? It’s mid-October and not only is Halloween candy available, but so are all the Thanksgiving decorations. Well, this week I’m encouraging you to think ahead too – about Christmas! No, I haven’t missed a couple of pages in my calendar… Here’s why I want you to think about … Read More

Nelson SearcyStewardship

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