Summer Sale – HALF OFF All 8 Healthy Church Systems Seminars!

Why do some churches grow and others don’t?  I often get asked this from pastors, with the follow-up question, “So, what’s their secret?”  As if there’s something those pastors know that others don’t. After coaching over 2,100 pastors in all denominations, I have a very clear answer on this – there IS a System. Eight of them to be exact. And they … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation, Church Systems, Growth Barriers, Leadership, Stress Management

Systems Boot Camp at Disney World – Super Early Bird ENDS TODAY!

Your exclusive Super Early Bird rate ENDS TODAY for the ALL-NEW 2016 Church Systems Check-up and Boot Camp.  I’d like to invite you and your team to join me this Summer for this brand new 3-day event focused on helping you reach the unchurched.  Join me for the THE biggest training event of the year at beautiful Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Wednesday, July 20th – … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems, Evangelism, Growth Barriers, Ministry

NEW Free Webinar with Bonuses – Grow Your Church this Summer

They myth of the so-called “Summer Slump” is just that – a myth; don’t buy into it! Summertime is actually a great time to grow a church. The problem is nobody’s ever told you exactly HOW you can grow this summer with specific, proven action steps you can follow. I’d like to fix that and invite you to join me … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

You’re Invited: Join Me for Systems Boot Camp – LIVE at Disney World!

I would like to extend a personal invitation for you to join me at the don’t-miss LIVE event of the year . . . my 5th annual Church Systems Check-Up and Bootcamp at beautiful Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Wednesday, July 20th – Friday, July 22nd!   This is THE event where I reveal the latest and most impactful lessons on each of the 8 systems … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Growth Barriers, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy

HALF OFF SALE – How to use a Big Day to grow your church!

A Big Day an all-out push toward a single Sunday for the purpose of breaking the next growth barrier and setting an attendance record in order to reach as many people as possible for Jesus. Using Big Days is just a part of cooperating with God’s plan, and the way that God has worked all throughout history and will continue to work. … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

McGavran Monday – People Movements

In honor of Dr. Gary McIntosh’s new biography of Donald McGavran, here’s today’s Monday moment: “If there are ways to make disciples of panta ta ethne – all nations – without People Movements, it would be interesting to hear about them.”  – Donald McGavran Secure your copy of the book at 40% OFF plus insightful bonuses here. (the above quote … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers, Leadership

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