Charles Arn – Church Growth Hero (If I Dare Say ‘Church Growth’)

Last Saturday, while Kelley and I were in Los Angeles, I was able to meet one of my Church Growth Heroes – Charles (Chip) Arn of Church Growth, Inc.  He and his wife Ann were gracious enough to share dinner with me and Kelley at Kate Mantinlini’s in Beverly Hills (yep, we were living it up!). Win Arn, Charles’ father, … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Uncategorized

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Leaders Have a Small Rearview Mirror

This weekend Kelley and I had a little get away in Los Angeles.  On Friday we drove down to Orange County to meet friends, visit Saddleback Church (where I was on staff for a couple of years) and check out our old neighborhood. On this trip, I was reminded of a thought that’s been bouncing around in my head for … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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Church Growth Requires Action

“There are risks and costs to a plan of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” — John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States What action do you need to take this week (maybe something you’ve been putting off until conditions are perfect) that will benefit you, your church and … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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The Two Questions That Can Change Everything

“Day after day the congregations became stronger in faith and larger in size.” – Acts 16:5 When I read this passage in Acts it struck my with the power of its’ clarity.   These congregations that Paul and Timothy visited grew BOTH stronger in faith AND larger in size.  Those are the questions I need to regularly ask about The Journey … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Leadership

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When to Challenge the System

Jay Curlee in Corpus Crisiti, who works with my friend Bil Cornelius, got me thinking about systems today (its not that hard to do – ha!  I talk, speak and write a lot about church systems as most of you know).  Here’s what he asked: “Progress demands change. It demands a leader who seeks to push through the chaos of … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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Sometimes you gotta pull away

If you’ve listened to my Developing A One Year Personal Growth Plan resource then you know I’m a big fan of pulling away.  Pulling away for a time of relaxation, recovery and renewal.  There are several key times to pull away, including: – Every week (your sabbath) – Every year (your vacation) – After a busy ministry season This last … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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What Pastors Dream About

I listen to my own sermons.  It’s painful, but I do it.  I do it because it helps me become a better speaker (late at night it also helps my insomnia). Church Leader insights is about about to release a Sermon Series Kerrick Thomas (our Executive Pastor) and I did at The Journey Church entitled “Fully Engaged: The Power of a … Read More

Nelson SearcyWorship Planning

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What separates followers from fans of Jesus?

I stole this headline from my friend Bob Franquiz (Advanced Coaching Almuni and all around great guy – but don’t tell him I said so).  Bob was our featured speaker at a recent Journey All-Staff meeting and he spoke about the important of baptism.  He said: Baptism is what separates fans of Jesus from followers of Jesus! I stole that … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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