Four Renegade Lessons from Two Years of Reformation Travel – Part 2

Yesterday I shared with you Part 1 of this series; today we continue with the final two lessons from two years of traveling in the footsteps of some of the pre-eminent 16th century Protestant reformers.   3. What we say in the pulpit has great power. (Hugh Latimer)  Even in a day when there are a lot of “nones” in the … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Ministry

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Four Renegade Lessons from Two Years of Reformation Travel – Part 1

I’ve been fortunate over the last two years to travel in the footsteps of some of the pre-eminent 16th century Protestant reformers. My travels took me throughout Germany, following in the footsteps of Martin Luther (1483 – 1546); through Switzerland, learning about Swiss reformers like Ulrich Zwingli (1484 – 1531) and John Calvin (1509 – 1564); and in the UK, following in the footsteps of … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Ministry

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3 Best-Selling Resources for $1

As a fellow Senior Pastor, I realize that reaching more people and growing a church can be overwhelming. You face all kinds of barriers along the way both within your church and within your own personal leadership development. All those factors combined – it can be a recipe for frustration. So I put together a package that I think will … Read More

Nelson SearcyUncategorized

Is your church an organism or an organization?

The following post is from my good friend  Dr Bob Whitesel. Bob serves as Professor of Christian Ministry and Missional Leadership for Wesley Seminary and holds two doctorates from Fuller Theological Seminary. He currently serves as president of the Great Commission Research Network as well as a board member for The Society of Church Consulting. The church is an organization that must … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth

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25 Essentials Every Pastor Should Know – Join Me for a NEW Live Event

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said, “I sure wish they had taught me this in seminary.” It always seems like our formal training only takes us so far in the “real world” outside of school. I know I’ve had to stumble my way through many things as a pastor, wishing I had the benefit of someone else’s experience. So … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers, Leadership, Ministry

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NEW Book: Biography on the Man who Sparked the Church Growth Movement

I’m excited to share with you the release of a brand new book from my friend and fellow church growth expert Dr. Gary McIntosh – Donald A. McGavran: A Biography of the Twentieth Century’s Premier Missiologist. Published by Church Leader Insights, this book was 15 years in the making and the first full biography ever written on the man who sparked the … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Evangelism

9 Biblical Church Growth Principles to Build a Faithful Church

So how much do you want your church to grow? It actually depends how you answer this larger question — How much do you believe God wants your church to grow?  After all, Jesus didn’t say, I may build it or I might build it. He said, I WILL build it.  God wants his church to grow! He is not a God of a static, plateaued or declining church — He is … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth

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Unshakable Profile: George Burris

George T. Burris has been pastor of the Historic St. James Baptist Church in Madisonville, LA since January 1997. He’s also a long-time member of my Advanced Coaching Network. Pastor George partnered with me on a co-authorship opportunity for the book UNSHAKABLE: STANDING STRONG WHEN THINGS GO WRONG. This is a proven book that I wrote specifically for first-time guests, to provide encouragement, spiritual next … Read More

Nelson SearcyMisc

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