Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformer

While Martin Luther remains the special focus of this 504th anniversary of the Reformation, let’s take a moment to give a special nod to Ulrich Zwingli with this guest post from John Bishop for Preaching.com. After young Zwingli graduated from the University at Berne he was ordained a priest. He served two churches for fourteen years, then was appointed to … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

Martin Luther: My Top Video Picks

If you like movies and are excited that this month is the 504th anniversary of the Reformation, then this post is for you! There’s a lot of great movies and documentaries about Martin Luther and the Reformation. Here are my top picks, best enjoyed with a tub of popcorn 🙂 This Changed Everything Click here to access this video Martin … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

The Passionate Pastor

“He must have a strong and steadfast belief in the trustworthy message he was taught; then he will be able to encourage others with right teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong.” – Titus 1:5-9 (NLT)

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry, Preaching

Leaders Take Shelter in God

“From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.” –Psalm 61 (NLT)

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry, Preaching

Fun Facts on Martin Luther’s Impact on Western Civilization

In celebration of this month’s 504th anniversary of the Reformation, I’d like to share some fun facts about Martin Luther. In his life, Martin Luther: Wrote several influential books that explained his teachings on important doctrines. His works, translated into English, have filled 75 volumes thus far. Married Katharina Von Bora, one of a group of nuns that Luther had … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

Life Is Not a Marathon

Life is not a marathon, and it shouldn’t be looked at as one. Life is better viewed as a series of short sprints with periods of rest in between. Think about the way most professional athletes train. They expend a huge amount of energy for a season, and then they have the off-season to rest and recover. They repeat that … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership