How to Grow Your Church this Summer (Free E-Book)

Have you bought into the idea that summer is a time for you and your church to crouch in a corner and pray for an early fall? I doubt you’ve gone that far, but that’s essentially what thousands of churches do every summer – writing off the summer as a time when churches just don’t grow! After listening to and … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Ignite Webinar Tomorrow – Can You Join Me?

Can you join me tomorrow at 1:00pm EDT for a 110 minute training based on my new book – Ignite: Sparking immediate Growth In Your Church? This “no-fluff all nuts-and-bolts” webinar is about how you can ‘DOUBLE YOUR CHURCH IN A DAY’ using a proven strategy called The Big Day. It’s also about how you can move a church from … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Can You Join Me in Texas? Two Live Ignite Events

I’m excited to be heading out to the Lone Star State next week for Two BIG (everything’s bigger in Texas, you know) Live Ignite Events! Here’s the information: The LIVE Ignite Seminar – HOUSTON Tuesday, April 27 9:00am – 12:00 noon Hosted By: Crossbridge Christian Church 15415 West Road Houston, TX 77344 The LIVE Ignite Seminar – DALLAS Wednesday, April … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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How Teaching God’s Truth Can Get Your Church Noticed

I got an email recently from Freddy Villarreal, Tele-Coaching Participant and Lead Pastor of Freedom Life Church in Virginia, about how their local news (and then CNN) ran a story about the Desperate Sex Lives sermon series they did in February.  Here’s the video: Freddy – great job representing your church and the Church on-camera! I’m not a fan of … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Maximizing Easter Around the World

One of the greatest benefits of using technology to equip church leaders is that distances that were insurmountable just a few years ago are crossed instantaneously today via the internet. The Church Leader Insights Family has been growing more and more internationally over the last couple of years. It’s exciting to see how the systems and principles that we teach … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Count What Counts – CLI Newsletter Rewind

One of the best parts of being a member of the “Church Leader Insights Family” is that each month you receive the CLI Newsletter, packed with the best church leadership content I can find. Here’s an article from Steven Furtick that was included in this month’s newsletter (in case you missed it): COUNT WHAT COUNTS “Here’s the distinction: it’s good … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Communicating Your Big Day Evangelism Strategy to Your Church (Free Download)

A number of you have already let me know how my new book Ignite has helped you and your church. That’s always encouraging to me, so keep ’em coming! Feel free to use the “Ask Nelson” button on the right side of this blog to send me your story. One such email that I recently received from Clark Frailey, member … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Strategy

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Maximize Easter – Sample Invite Tools from The Journey

Thanks so much to all of you who joined me last week for the Maximizing Easter 2010 Webinars! I mentioned that I’d share some sample invitation tools that we have used at The Journey, so here they are (right-click and choose “Save As…” to download now): 2009 Samples: Easter Mailer #1 – Front (PDF) Easter Mailer #1 – Back (PDF) … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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How Ignite Helped Set an Attendance Record

Wow!  I’ve been blown away by all of the response to my newest book Ignite: How to Spark Immediate Growth in Your Church, but this one is pretty amazing. I recently received the following email from Jonathan Bilima, Lead Pastor of Kairos Church in Riverside, California.  Jonathan is in my brand new Tele-Coaching Network and here’s the Ignite testimony he … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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How to Invest Your Advertising & Promotion Budget (Part 2)

Last week I shared one of the most common mistakes that churches make when it comes to allocating the annual advertising/promotion budget (click here to read that post). Today I want to share Advertising Mistake #2… Advertising Mistake #2: Spending your advertising funds on “branding” messages without a clear call to action. “Branding” is a great word for two groups: … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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