Are you a portable church?

Since 2002 we’ve meet in portable locations – nine different locations to be exact. From schools to renovated funeral homes (not recommended) to cinemas to off-broad theaters to concert venues.  I love being portable and I love the benefits of being portable (keeps the entrepreneurial spirit alive, mobilizes more volunteers, keeps you fast and fluid, frees up money for evangelism, … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Planting, Church Systems - General

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How to Conduct a Christmas Offering

Last week I released my latest report entitled “How to Conduct A Christmas Offering.” Its been the fastest downloaded report I’ve offered (over 1000 people in a few days!).  If you haven’t snagged your copy yet, grab it now (its not too late to plan a Christmas Offering) – its FREE: HOW TO CONDUCT A CHRISTMAS OFFERING FREE REPORT LINK … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General, Stewardship

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Why I Do Coaching…

Today, I’m in Tampa for my Senior Pastor’s Coaching Network. On the flight down, I found myself thinking: Why do I do this? Why do I take a day away from home to fly a thousand miles to invest in coaching? Once I started asking these questions, they kept coming: Why am I driven to do a NY Coaching Network … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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Where There’s Slack There’s Lack – Part 8 of 8

SYSTEM #8: THE STRATEGIC SYSTEM It’s hard to believe that we’ve worked our way to the last post in our weekly, Wednesday “Where There’s Slack There’s Lack” series! If you have been taking this opportunity to spend some quality time with your systems over the last eight weeks, I trust that you are already seeing the effects. If you haven’t … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General, Strategy

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Where There’s Slack There’s Lack – Part 7 of 8

SYSTEM #7: THE LEADERSHIP SYSTEM Welcome back to the weekly, Wednesday “Where There’s Slack There’s Lack” series! If you’ve been following along with us for the last six Wednesdays, let me commend you for putting in the effort to take your systems up a notch. As we learned a couple of weeks ago, effort = excellence when it comes to … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General, Leadership, Ministry

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Where There’s Slack There’s Lack – Part 6 of 8

SYSTEM #6: THE STEWARDSHIP SYSTEM Wednesday has rolled around again! Time for the weekly installation of our eight-part “Where There’s Slack There’s Lack” series. I’m particularly excited about the system we are looking at today. It’s a crucial system and one that’s surrounded by a lot of questions and misconceptions… Have you ever had a hard time getting new believers … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General, Stewardship

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Where There’s Slack There’s Lack – Part 5 of 8

SYSTEM #5: THE MINISTRY SYSTEM Welcome to Part 5 of the weekly, Wednesday series, “Where There’s Slack There’s Lack!” If you’ve been tracking with me each week, I hope the effort you’ve been putting in is creating a new level of excellence in your church. If you have you ever had a hard time mobilizing volunteers, then you are going … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General, Ministry

tagged with: ,,,,,,

Tele-Coaching: Making Tough Decisions

Tomorrow, I have to make some tough decisions about who will be a part of my new Tele-Coaching Network for Senior Pastors. The response has been overwhelming and I’ve already accepted a number of great pastors, but I’m still waiting on an application from you 🙂 Let me encourage you to send over your application ASAP so I can review … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems - General

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