Brand New Resource – Shepherding Responsibility for Your Staff and Volunteers

  Do you ____________ your staff & volunteers? You might guess: Love Motivate Train And those are good answers. But I’ve got a better one for you. Shepherd  Let me explain. For most of us, the people closest to us on a day-to-day basis are our staff and key volunteers, right?  But, are we *really* serving as a pastor to them? … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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The 48 Hour Rule

Today’s post comes to us from Steve Addison, author and church planting specialist. Steve has been a life-long student of movements that renew and expand the Christian faith. Steve began his research into Christian movements in the late 1980s while serving as a church planter in Melbourne, Australia. He carried that interest into his Doctor of Ministry with Fuller Seminary. He is … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Ministry, Strategy

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McGavran Monday: What is Church Planting?

In honor of Dr. Gary McIntosh’s new biography of Donald McGavran, here’s today’s Monday moment: “Church Planting is the proclamation of the Gospel by word and deed resulting in conversions and a banding together of converts into congregations.” – Donald McGavran Secure your copy of the book at 40% OFF plus insightful bonuses here. (the above quote is from p.354 … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks

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John Wesley and His Top 10 Tips for a Healthy Life

The following post is from my good friend  and John Wesley authority, Dr Bob Whitesel. Bob serves as Professor of Christian Ministry and Missional Leadership for Wesley Seminary and holds two doctorates from Fuller Theological Seminary. He currently serves as president of the Great Commission Research Network as well as a board member for The Society of Church Consulting. John Wesley … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Health, Stress Management

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Pastors Take a Stand for Health and Wellness at Wisconsin Book Event

My friend and co-author, Steve Reynolds, is traveling the country to celebrate the launch of our new book, The Healthy Renegade Pastor. Just last week he was leading free launch parties in the Western Ohio, Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin areas. All three events were hosted by members of my Advanced Coaching Netowrk. Yesterday I shared photos from the first two events – below is an … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Stress Management

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Pastors Take a Stand for Health and Wellness at Local Book Events

My friend and co-author, Steve Reynolds, is traveling the country to celebrate the launch of our new book, The Healthy Renegade Pastor. Just last week he was leading free launch parties in the Western Ohio, Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin areas. In today’s post I’ll share photos from the first two events (check back tomorrow for the update on Wisconsin). All three events were hosted by members … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Stress Management

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Coaching member organizes 25-mile prayer walk to honor fallen deputy

I wanted to share a story from Houston, TX this week of one of our coaching alums bringing peace and healing to a community in a tough situation. Kevin Pigg, senior pastor of Crossbridge Community Church, is a long-time member of my Renegade Pastors Network and Advanced Coaching alum. He serves one mile from where Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Leadership, Ministry, Videos

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