How many church plants survive?

The following post comes to us from Steve Addison, church planter and author of Movements That Change the World; What Jesus Started; and Pioneering Movements.  I often get asked, “How many church plants survive?” It’s the wrong question. I remember being a first-time church planter. I understand the angst. You hope for more, but you fear failure. It’s only natural. … Read More

Nelson SearcyUncategorized

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Q & A Spotlight: New Believer Follow-up packets

Each month I host a call for members of my Renegade Pastors Network where they have the opportunity to ask me questions directly and get answers to any issues they’re facing. Q: This question comes to us from a senior pastor in Clovis, CA who recently listened to The New Believer Seminar. He asks about the follow-up packets that are mentioned … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems, Leadership

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48 Hours Only – FREE Resource: Grow your church and reach more people

Today and tomorrow, I’d like to give you one of my bestselling “Breaking Growth Barriers” resources absolutely FREE ($39.95 Value)! As a fellow Senior Pastor, I realize that reaching more people and growing a church can be overwhelming. Combine that with the fact that all churches seem to face specific barriers along the way that limit their ability to reach more people for … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth

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McGavran Monday: Goal Setting

In honor of Dr. Gary McIntosh’s new biography of Donald McGavran, here’s today’s Monday moment: “Nothing focuses effort like setting a goal. As Christians seek to do effective evangelism, they need to set membership goals. Goal setting focuses their efforts on the main task..” – Donald McGavran Secure your copy of the book at 40% OFF plus insightful bonuses here. … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Church Growth

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Raising Up Timothys

Recently, I shared my #1 regret in my last 25 years of ministry is that I have not done enough to call out the called. You can read about some of the ways I plan on correcting that mistake here. Have you thought about raising up people to answer God’s call to preach? Does your church have systems in place to help … Read More

Nelson SearcyMinistry, Preaching

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What Can Donald McGavran Teach Us?

Donald A. McGavran, the founder of the church growth movement, became fascinated by one predominant question: Why do some churches grow rapidly while others don’t grow at all? Related to that, he began asking how he and his fellow missionaries could strategically begin to cultivate the harvest where the soil was more pliable while giving consistent, yet less, energy where … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Church Growth, Leadership

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My Early Birthday Gift to You!

It’s my birthday this week (coming up this Saturday actually) and my team’s already been looking at ways to celebrate. But I’d rather make this about YOU. My birthday wish is that you experience massive growth in your church this fall – and into the new year! So here’s my (early) birthday gift to YOU: HALF OFF BIRTHDAY SALE –  … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems

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Are You a Strategic Leader?

The following is an excerpt from Preparing For Change Reaction: How to Introduce Change in Your Church by my good friend Dr. Bob Whitesel. Bob serves as Professor of Christian Ministry and Missional Leadership for Wesley Seminary and holds two doctorates from Fuller Theological Seminary. He currently serves as president of the Great Commission Research Network as well as a board member … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Leadership

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