How to Structure Your Church for Growth (Part 2)

A couple of weeks ago I shared the first of a few posts that I’m writing about “structuring your church for growth”. It was about writing church by-laws, and if you missed it you can read it here. Today I’d like to address another key issue in the area of church structure by starting with a quote I’ve heard my … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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Igniting Growth In Your Church – Week 2 of 6

Today is the second installment of my 6-week blog series, “Igniting Growth In Your Church.” This Thursday series is your sneak peak into the pages of my new book, Ignite: How To Spark Immediate Growth In Your Church. If you are one of the tens of thousands who are already reading Ignite, well, thanks! I trust that this series will serve as … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Evangelism, Growth Barriers

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Igniting Growth In Your Church – Week 1 of 6

Today marks two weeks since the release of my latest book, Ignite: How to Spark Immediate Growth in Your Church. I always say that leaders are readers – and thanks to leaders like you, Ignite has already begun to impact communities around the world. So, thanks for your passion and commitment to expanding God’s kingdom! I am kicking off a … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Evangelism, Growth Barriers

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How to Structure Your Church for Growth (Part 1)

Launching a new church is a process full of decisions and potential pitfalls that threaten to stunt your new church’s growth. Many of these decisions fall into a category we would call “church structure.”  Since it’s one of the 9 Growth Barriers that all churches face, today I’m beginning a series of posts on Church Structure. A lot of times, … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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The Great Growth Barrier Giveaway (Free Resource)

I hear from a lot of church leaders from one week to the next and I have heard a common theme lately that has me pretty excited. It’s a theme of faith, expectation and motivation, an understanding that God wants your church to grow and you want to do what it takes to cooperate with Him. I agree and I … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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Church Growth Hero – Dr. Ralph Winter

Yesterday was the memorial service for Dr. Ralph Winter.  I only met Dr. Winter one time at a missions planning meeting in Irvine, CA, but his writings and speaking have had a great impact on my thinking. I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that Dr. Winter was the most influential missiologist of the second half of … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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Q & A: Too Much Space?

I just want to thank all of you (over 600 senior pastors) who participated in one of my Top 3 Growth Barriers Webinars last week.  What an awesome experience! Here’s one of the follow-up questions I answered about the SPACE growth barrier: Q: As I was listening to you teach about the “space” growth barrier, I got to thinking about … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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Which Growth Barrier?

Here’s a recent question that the CLI team answered for a fellow pastor: Q: In listening to you refer to the various growth barriers that churches face, I wasn’t sure which barrier we are currently contending with, and I was hoping for your opinion. Our average weekend attendance in 2009 is 295. Does that mean we should work on the … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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Church Growth Hero – Elmer Towns

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking to 11,000 students at convocation at Liberty University and was further honored to sit on the platform with my old friend Elmer Towns. He and Jerry Falwell founded the “little school” in Lynchburg, Virginia, back in 1971. These days, Dr. Towns is the Dean of the School of Religion … Read More

Nelson SearcyGrowth Barriers

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