Reformation Day – A Saturday Quote

“Christians should be taught that he who sees someone needy but looks past him, and buys an indulgence instead, receives not the pope’s remission but God’s wrath.” –Martin Luther It may say Halloween on the calendar, but today we celebrate the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, marked by Martin Luther’s famous nailing of his 95 Theses to the door of … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism, Leadership

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Keeping the Culture of Your Organization – A Saturday Quote

“Keeping a relatively strong performer who is not a cultural fit sends a loud and clear message toemployees that the organization isn’t all that serious about what it says it believes.” – Patrick Lencioni, Author of The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business

Nelson SearcyUncategorized

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Achieving Your Goals – A Saturday Quote

“Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” — Tom Landry, football coach P.S. To learn about setting and achieving Godly Goals that will positively impact your leadership, ministry and family, check out my new resource, Setting and Achieving Godly Goals.

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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