How to Lead Your Church When You Don’t Have All the Facts (Guest Blogger Donald E. Ross)

This is Dr. Donald E. Ross – one of Nelson’s Advanced Coaching Alumni, Renegade Pastor and Lead Pastor of Creekside Church in the Seattle, Washington Area – and I want to share with you some thoughts about an issue each of us faces in leadership… ambiguity: Every leader wants clarity, and so do those following him when launching a new ministry initiative.  … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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How To Develop a Growing Team at Your Church

Gabe Kolstad here – multi-time Advanced Coaching Alumni with Nelson and Senior Pastor of Westside Community Church in Beaverton, Oregon. Today, I’d like to share an answer to a common question I hear from pastors who are serious about reaching their maximum Kingdom potential… That question: “How Can I Develop a Growing Team?” Answer: Endless buckets of cash. Thankfully, that’s not … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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Three Unspoken Promises a Leader Makes

The end of the year is here and now is a great time to reflect on 2010, and how you did in all aspects of your life. Not the least of these is how you handled this trust we all share called “church leadership” over the last 12 months. It’s my prayer that none of us take our roles for … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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Andy Stanley on Asking the Right Questions – CLI Newsletter Rewind

Are you signed up? Did you know that each month, as a part of the “Church Leader Insights Family,” you receive the CLI Newsletter, directly to your inbox, packed with the best church leadership content I can find. Just in case you missed it, here’s an Andy Stanley article that was included in this month’s newsletter: ANDY STANLEY ON ASKING … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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Who Do You Need to Say Thank You To? Acts of Deliberate Relationship Enhancement (ADRE)

From time to time, after a big day like Easter or a Friend Day, our staff sit down and wrote hand written thank you notes to everyone who made that Sunday happen (often 100+ thank you notes). We write, pray, write and pray some more.  It’s a powerful reminder that you aren’t in this alone . . .and its a … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

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