How to Deal with Criticism – FREE Ebook Today

Regardless of your church’s denomination, style or size, there’s one thing that you and I have in common… Every one of us deals with criticism from time to time. Criticism is a reality for those of us called into church leadership. You may have had 50 compliments about Sunday’s message, but that ONE critical comment is the only one you remember come … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Like the Oak – A Saturday Quote

“A Christian is not of hasty growth, like a mushroom, but rather like the oak, the progress of which is hardly perceptible, but, in time, becomes a great deep-rooted tree.”  – John Newton, 1776

Nelson SearcyMisc

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Happy 4th of July!

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy 4th of July weekend! I’m truly grateful to be a small part of your ministry and look forward to serving you for many years in the future. Hope you enjoy this day celebrating our nation’s independence with those close to you! Your partner in ministry, Nelson P.S. Don’t … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems

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Church Systems: Getting Back to Basics

All churches are made up of the same exact systems, even though we may view and utilize them in slightly different ways based on our individual calls to ministry. The question isn’t whether or not these systems are in place, but whether or not they are being maximized. The eight systems of every church are interconnected. While some may be … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems

The Power of Vacation: Keeping Your Tank Full

Like most pastors, you may struggle when it comes to planning your time away. In my early years of church planting, when I was bivocational, I was greatly challenged in this area until I discovered the power of taking some extended time off. Though the word “vacation” is not found in the Bible, there’s nothing unspiritual about taking a vacation. … Read More

Nelson SearcyMinistry, Stress Management

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Understanding what Jesus Said About Finances

Today’s blog comes to us from my friend and stewardship mentor Steve Stroope as an excerpt from his book, Money Matters in Church: A Practical Guide for Leaders. Steve is lead pastor of the multi-campus Lake Pointe Church near Dallas, Texas. Under his leadership, the congregation has grown from 57 members in 1980 to a current attendance of more than … Read More

Nelson SearcyMinistry, Stewardship

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Are You on Track So Far? (Flash Sale – 75% Off Godly Goals!)

Congratulations – How does it feel? You made it through the first HALF of 2015! QUESTION: Have you made 50 percent worth of progress toward your goals for 2015? Are you on track to accomplish all that God has led you to accomplish this year? I want to help you do just that, so in honor of passing the mid-year mark, … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Strategy

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John Wesley and Rules for Inner Transformation

Today we wrap-up our week-long celebration of John Wesley and the leadership lessons that we can apply to our ministry today. It’s not too late to get your own copy of a brand new resource on Wesley’s Church Growth Principles from Wesley authority Dr. Bob Whitesel (see PS below for all the details.) But first, an excerpt from one of … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems, Evangelism, Leadership, Preaching

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John Wesley, Small Groups, and Becoming Students of the Word

The following post is from my good friend and John Wesley authority, Dr Bob Whitesel. I had the tremendous privilege of traveling with him on a UK tour to study the “Footsteps of John Wesley.” This immersion was so powerful that I invited Dr. Whitesel to speak for a half day on the church growth principles of John Wesley (we … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Growth, Church Systems, Evangelism, Small Groups

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