Guest blog: 10 Ways to “Jump Start” Your Personal Evangelism

Today’s guest post comes to us from Chuck Lawless, the Dean & Vice-President of Graduate Studies and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, where he also serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions. In addition, he is Global Theological Education Consultant for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. If you’ve read my previous posts, you know … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

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Received by Passion – A Saturday Quote

“All truth is given by revelation, either general or special, and it must be received by reason. Reason is the God-given means for discovering the truth that God discloses, whether in his world or his Word. While God wants to reach the heart with truth, he does not bypass the mind.” -Jonathan Edwards

Nelson SearcyMisc

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Hiring Pastor of Teaching, Families and Children at The Journey Church Boca

We’re looking for just the right “A” player to fill a key pastoral position here at The Journey Church in Boca Raton, FL. We’re looking for a Pastor of Teaching, Families and Children to join our team – Don’t apply unless you love reaching unchurched families and Nelson Searcy’s books “Ignite” and “Connect”! However, if you’re passionate about reaching families and … Read More

Nelson SearcyMinistry

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I Better Practice What I Preach (feedback from a coaching member who attended The Journey)

One of the things that makes me different as a Coach to Pastors is that I’m a player-coach.  I’m still very active in leading The Journey Church. Recently, a coaching member attended The Journey ‘eyes wide open’ to see if we really practice what I preach. (BTW, you are always welcome at The Journey should you be near one of … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems

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Revised & Expanded – FREE 8 Systems E-book!

I have a FREE resource for you – no strings attached! I’m making this recently REVISED & EXPANDED “8 Systems of a Healthy Church” E-book available to you this week. I have updated each chapter of this comprehensive e-book with the latest insights for 2015. PLUS – new chapters for Assimilation and Stewardship (the two biggest pressure points churches are facing today). Why am I doing this?  … Read More

Nelson SearcyChurch Systems

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Why you should never use the “V” word

How do you view the new folks who come through your doors each week? If you’ve been referring to them as what I call the “V-word” (aka “visitor”) I strongly suggest you change your language and use the more welcoming word, GUEST. “Visitor” implies an unwelcome drop-in or intrusion. But a first-time GUEST now demands more care and consideration in … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilation

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