Q & A: CLASS Compatible with Activate Groups?

Q: I read in Activate how you should be a church OF small groups, not a church WITH small groups. And I agree. Here’s my question. Don’t classes 101-401 create drag on your small groups system? Or are your classes offered AS small groups? A: Great question! We do, indeed, use the Purpose Driven C.L.A.S.S. series (101, 201, 301 & … Read More

Nelson SearcySmall Groupstagged with: ,,,

Bad Economy + Bad Decisions = Disaster

I continue to hear of a lot of pastors and church leaders making bad decisions because the economy is bad. If you make bad decisions when the economy is good, you may be able to ride it out with minimal effects.  But if you make bad decisions when the economy is bad, disaster is almost certain. Before you make any … Read More

Nelson SearcyStewardshiptagged with: ,,,,,,,

Monday Proflections May 18 2008

This post is earlier than normal because I have a 6:05am flight into Orange County (I hate getting up early but I love getting an early start and avoiding the LaGuardia delays!).  This is a big week for Church Leader Insights as Roy is rolling out my NEW Time Management for Busy Pastors resource (no link yet, watch your email … Read More

Nelson SearcyMisctagged with: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,