Never begrudge the money you spend on your own education. – Jim Rohn
This Christian life is a great mystery
“This Christian life is a great mystery, far exceeding our understanding, but some things are clear enough: He appeared in a human body, was proved right by the invisible Spirit, was seen by angels. He was proclaimed among all kinds of peoples, believed in all over the world, taken up into heavenly glory.” – 1 Timothy 3:16 (Msg) P.S. I’m … Read More
Help people see themselves better than they are
“Help people to see themselves better than they are. Yes, you may have to show them they messed up, and how to correct it, but don’t leave them there. Send them into the future with a picture of tomorrow. If they can’t see, they’ll take small steps. But if they can see, they’ll take giant steps.” — Jim Rohn
One more week of vacation
I’m starting the second week of our vacation so my blogging will continue to be semi-regular. But this week I’ve pre-scheduled some of my favorite quotes to share with you. See you on December 9. Nelson
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at Church Leader Insights! Nelson and Kelley Searcy Jason Hatley Kerrick Thomas Cristina Fowler Scott Whitaker James Yawn Vinny Bove And all the CLI coaches and trainers
Huge Thanksgiving Sale – All Downloads $12 or less
Today thru Friday, all of my Single Resource downloads are all sale for $12 or less (some are as low as $3!). This is our way of expressing our gratitude for you and your support of Church Leader Insights! You’ll have to browse all the categories in the store to find all the hidden gems (or check out all the … Read More
Free Seminar for Senior Pastors in Miami
My friend and CLI Trainer Bob Franquiz is teaching my very popular “How to Break the Top 3 Growth Barriers” Workshop in Miami on Tuesday, December 9. It’s for Senior Pastors only and its FREE. I highly encourage you to attend if you are any where within driving distance. Follow this link for the details: Free Top 3 Growth Barriers … Read More
Character and Reputation – A Sunday Quote
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. – Abraham Lincoln
Two Weeks of Vacation Starts Today
Today Kelley and I are heading out on a 7-day cruise – just the two of us. Her parents have graciously agreed to keep Alexander. After the cruise, we are spending another week of vacation together as a family in Florida. I’m going to take a semi-vacation from the blog too. I have a few posts scheduled for Thanksgiving week … Read More
Church Growth Hero – Carl George
A few months ago, my hard working assistant Cristina buzzed my office and said, “Carl George is on the phone for you.” I cautiously asked, “Is he a member at The Journey?” She said, “Nope, he says you know him and he wants to hear more about your tele-coaching network.” I picked up the phone and sure enough it was … Read More