What Makes A Great Sermon Great? Abraham Lincoln’s Opinion…

I just finished reading John Maxwell’s new book, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, and I’ll be talking about it in a future CLI Newsletter (you are getting the newsletter aren’t you? if not, click here). Here’s a powerful story that Maxwell shares in this book: President Abraham Lincoln, an incredible communicator, was known during the Civil War to attend a church … Read More

Nelson SearcyPreaching

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FDR on Sermon Preparation…

I ran across this story in a book I was reading recently and I think it has great application when it comes to planning and preparing to preach: Franklin Delano Roosevelt was once asked how long it would take to prepare an address on a particular theme. “That depends on how long you want me to speak,’ the President answered. … Read More

Nelson SearcyPreaching, Worship Planning

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Igniting Growth In Your Church – Week 3 of 6

Welcome to week 3 of my 6-week blog series, “Igniting Growth In Your Church.” I trust that this Thursday series is driving you deeper in your study of my new book, Ignite: How To Spark Immediate Growth In Your Church. Last week we dissected the four best times of year to do a big day. Now that you have a big … Read More

Nelson SearcyBooks, Evangelism, Preaching, Strategy

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Profane Preachers

On my recent panel discussion at Fox News I was asked if I thought it was appropriate to use foul language in the church (curse words, profanity, etc.). My answer was ‘No’ and I did my best to explain it, but honestly, Ed Young says it so much better than me in this 3 minute video: Thanks Ed! P.S. Looking … Read More

Nelson SearcyPreaching

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Feeling Good

I just finished the video shoot for the Easter message. . . we filmed the entire message from start to finish at noon today.  I’m feeling good!  I sorta wish I had the pressure to finish my message by Tuesday noon each week (OK, not really). But it does feel good to know the manuscript is done and there’s a … Read More

Nelson SearcyPreaching

Is this true about your sermons?

I heard this quote last week: “Samson killed a thousand men with the jaw bone of an ass. That many sales are killed every day with the same weapon.” — Anonymous I wonder, could you replace the word ‘sales’ with the word ‘sermons’? Nelson

Nelson SearcyPreaching