I just finished reading John Maxwell’s new book, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, and I’ll be talking about it in a future CLI Newsletter (you are getting the newsletter aren’t you? if not, click here). Here’s a powerful story that Maxwell shares in this book: President Abraham Lincoln, an incredible communicator, was known during the Civil War to attend a church … Read More
FDR on Sermon Preparation…
I ran across this story in a book I was reading recently and I think it has great application when it comes to planning and preparing to preach: Franklin Delano Roosevelt was once asked how long it would take to prepare an address on a particular theme. “That depends on how long you want me to speak,’ the President answered. … Read More
Igniting Growth In Your Church – Week 3 of 6
Welcome to week 3 of my 6-week blog series, “Igniting Growth In Your Church.” I trust that this Thursday series is driving you deeper in your study of my new book, Ignite: How To Spark Immediate Growth In Your Church. Last week we dissected the four best times of year to do a big day. Now that you have a big … Read More
Great Lesson – Saturday Quote
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin: 18th century statesman, scientist, and writer
Profane Preachers
On my recent panel discussion at Fox News I was asked if I thought it was appropriate to use foul language in the church (curse words, profanity, etc.). My answer was ‘No’ and I did my best to explain it, but honestly, Ed Young says it so much better than me in this 3 minute video: Thanks Ed! P.S. Looking … Read More
Feeling Good
I just finished the video shoot for the Easter message. . . we filmed the entire message from start to finish at noon today. I’m feeling good! I sorta wish I had the pressure to finish my message by Tuesday noon each week (OK, not really). But it does feel good to know the manuscript is done and there’s a … Read More
A “Wonder”-ous Opportunity
I have been invited to lead the Teaching Track at the Willow Arts Conference on June 10-12. The theme is “Wonder” and it’s definitely a wondrous opportunity for me. In fact, with big names like John Ortberg leading this track in the past, it’s got me scratching my head… everyone else must be out of town that week. Seriously though, … Read More
Is this true about your sermons?
I heard this quote last week: “Samson killed a thousand men with the jaw bone of an ass. That many sales are killed every day with the same weapon.” — Anonymous I wonder, could you replace the word ‘sales’ with the word ‘sermons’? Nelson
Are You Preaching for Action or Knowledge? (A Quote)
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Keep it Simple (A Sunday Quote)
“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” — Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist