Today’s guest post comes from Jason Hatley, Pastor of Worship Arts at The Journey Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Jason is the Founder of and author of two books as well as over a dozen worship leader personal and ministry growth resources. You’ve prayed. You’re prepared. The band is fine-tuned. The sound is dialed in. You’re ready to lead … Read More
In Times of Stress – A Saturday Quote
“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”– Fred Rogers, American educator, minister and television host
14 Ways to Live a Longer, Healthier Life
Today’s guest post by Aviva Patz for offers practical answers to the question: How can we live longer and healthier? The answer is more complicated than counting the number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake. Your daily habits can either add or subtract years from your life—like how much you exercise, or how stressed you allow yourself … Read More
Understand the Customer – A Saturday Quote
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.”– Peter Drucker
Jump Start Your Evangelism Through Effective Marketing – NEW Event!
If you’ve posted a welcome sign, created a church bulletin or sent any kind of email – you have engaged in marketing. But as you’ve probably guessed, effective marketing is so much more. Once understood and applied, marketing can mean the difference between filling your church to share the Gospel – and speaking to a half-empty room. As the media space … Read More
Hiring Growth Groups & Teaching Pastor at The Journey Church NYC
Are you called to serve in New York City? The Journey is a contemporary 12 year old church in New York City. The position of full-time Growth Groups Pastor is currently available at our Manhattan campus (we also have campuses in Queens and Staten Island). The Journey consistently has over 1,000 adults attending weekend services, currently has over 1,100 in groups … Read More
Tithing Renewed – A Saturday Quote
“But what is very significant is this, that in each great revival ofgodliness that Jehovah sent unto Israel, tithing is one of the thingsthat is mentioned as being renewed and restored among them.” – A.W. Pink
8 Warning Signs Your Marketing May Be Missing Something
If you believe in the power of evangelism, then you believe in the power of effective marketing! After 25 years of pastoring and coaching, I’ve learned that marketing and ministry DO go together – and it’s an essential part of fulfilling your mission. But if you’re not sure if your marketing is good or bad, here are 8 warning signs that your church marketing … Read More
Searching for a Web Guru – Know Anyone?
I thought I’d reach out to you today and see if you knew someone who might be interested in becoming our new “Web Guru” at Church Leader Insights. God continues to expand our ministry and we’re looking for someone who is good with web and programming, loves God and loves helping pastors. It’s a great opportunity for someone to make … Read More
Unshakable Faith – A Saturday Quote
“Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in the grace of God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.”– Martin Luther