What in the World is a Fusion Webinar?

I was looking around my office today and noticed several indispensable techie items that didn’t exist a decade ago.  Do you remember when a blackberry was a type of pie?  And an iPod was most likely something they put on the moon!

So what in the world is a “Fusion Webinar”?

Fusion WebinarFor the last couple of weeks you’ve been hearing a lot about a “Fusion Webinar” that I’m doing one week from today.  The response has been incredible as tons of people have jumped on board with this first of its kind event.  At the same time, we’ve received a ton of questions.

The word “Fusion” comes from my new book on Assimilation entitled Fusion (thank you for making it a best-seller!) and it’s also the title of seminars we are doing across the country (over 2000 church leaders trained so far…with upcoming events in Houston and Atlanta).

The word “Webinar” is a new word that comes when you combine “seminar”
with the “web.”

So basically, we are doing a Fusion seminar via the web – thus, a Fusion Webinar.  OK, so that’s almost true.

Actually, the webinar will only be part ‘web.’  The other part will be by phone (think very large conference call).  Here’s how it works:

I’ll be in my office in New York City with my computer in front of me and telephone in hand.

You’ll be in your office, home or anywhere you have access to a phone and the internet.

I’ll teach the seminar by talking into the phone and showing slides and images on the computer.  At the same time, you’ll hear what I’m saying and see the same slides on your computer.  Pretty cool, huh?

Over the last several months, I’ve participated in several of these ‘webinars’ and I have to say that the experience has been ‘almost’ as good as live (not quite, but almost).

Yet, when I think of all the money I saved in travel costs (gas, flights, hotel, etc.) plus the time saved by simply listening to the webinar from my office, it was a trade off that I was willing to make.

The LIVE Fusion Seminars that we (me and my advanced coaching guys) have done have been extremely blessed and the response has been incredible!  But since we are all full-time pastors we simply can’t go everywhere and do a seminar in every city.

Thank God for technology!  With the webinar, anyone, anywhere in the US or around the world can join us for the same powerful, practical seminar.

Makes sense, right?

Now, you may be asking, “I bet you are going to water down the content for the webinar?”

The answer: NOT AT ALL.  In fact, you can actually cover more content during a webinar than you can in a live event because there’s no need for stretch breaks.  You’ll be able to get the three hour live seminar during the webinar in ONLY TWO HOURS.

And if you want to snack during the entire seminar or wear your bathrobe, that’s perfectly fine (be as comfortable as you want, just don’t email me any pictures).

“But what about asking questions?”, you ask.

You are right, I will be doing all the talking on the webinar so it’s not as interactive as I’d like but since I’m at my computer (and you are too), I’m going to set-up an email account just for the webinar and you can email me your questions and I’ll do my best to answer them as we go.

So what will I cover during the webinar?  Will it be a repeat of what’s in the book or the seminar on CD?

In some ways the webinar will be a review of the book and seminar on CD,, but repetition is the mother of learning!

Plus, over and over I hear in live events that ‘it really came alive’ during the seminar in a way that it didn’t come alive through books or CDs.

Now, to get real practical, I’m going to cover:

– The complete assimilation process necessary to turn first time guests into fully engaged members of your church
– How to WOW first time guests on their first visit
– How to collect the needed info on every first time guest who attends
– How to follow-up on every first time guest so they read what you send them
– How to get first time guests to come back and what to do (and not do!) when they come back
– How to turn regular attenders into members and so much more!

In fact, if you don’t like what I cover on the webinar, we will give you 100% of your investment back, no questions or hassles.

OK, OK, I admit, doing a webinar is risky.  The devil loves to mess with technology (he seems to be in our sound system every Sunday at The Journey).  And there’s a lot that could go wrong but . . .

Doesn’t every good thing in life come with some element of risk?

It’s risky for you to lead your church (we could all be doing something else that’s far less stressful), it’s risky to preach the gospel, it’s risky to try new things . . . but it’s the risk that BRINGS THE REWARD!

So, will you take a risk and join me on the Webinar next week?

Here’s what you need to do . . .

Just follow the link below to register.  As soon as you register our website will send you a receipt.  Then in the next few days watch for emails from me, Roy Mansfield (who leads Church Leader Insights) or my hard working assistant Lauren Faultless and we’ll send you the details for how you log-in to the webinar, what you need to do to make it successful and what to do if you have any problems.

OK, ready to sign-up?  Here’s the link:


I look forward to being with you for this first-of-its-kind event.

Thanks for stepping out of your comfort zone.  If you have any questions, just click reply.

Your friend,


P.S. Maybe you are thinking, “I bet we could get the entire staff to gather around the computer and watch/listen to the webinar.”

OR, maybe you’re thinking, “Maybe I could get my key volunteers to join the webinar and log-on from home or work.”  If this is what you are thinking you are on the right track!

Get as many people around one computer and speaker phone as you can or get as many people to sign-up from their home or work computers as possible.  That’s the goal!  We want to equip as many people as possible to implement an effective assimilation process at your church.

You gotta, love technology, right?  OK, I’ve gotta run, I just got a text on my blackberry and my iTunes needs updating!  LOL!

One more time, here’s the link to sign-up:


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About Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 3,500 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 18+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life, Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and At the Cross with the People Who Were There. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.

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