Today we’re wrapping up a series on the practical ways that YOU as a pastor can lead and keep the evangelistic temperature in your church red-hot. We’ve focused on three avenues: the stage, the staff and now the structure.
To catch up on Part 1 on the stage, click here; and for Part 2 on the staff, click here.
Continuing with the third avenue, here are four ways you can make sure you are continually raising the temperature through your structure:
1. Plan regular evangelistic events.
Especially effective in the summer, these are the outreach events that you will challenge your staff and leaders to be involved in.
2. Structure for celebration.
Build opportunities for consistently celebrating evangelism into your church’s structure. Baptism is a great example: as people tell their stories of how they got saved, it gives your people a renewed sense of the power and importance of evangelism.
3. Engage small groups in evangelism.
Occasionally encourage your groups to do a study on evangelism, or do an outreach together.
4. Allow people to belong before they believe.
Most churches require that you “believe” before you can “belong,” or really be part of things. Reality is that those things don’t happen in sequential order for everyone; allowing them to belong can help them believe. I don’t mean that you let them lead worship, but surely they can serve refreshments.
God will never give you more than you are prepared to handle. He won’t work through your church unless you are willing to work with him.
As you use the stage wisely, expect the best of your staff and leaders, and structure your church for evangelism, you will be cooperating with God in reaching people for his glory.
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. Leading your church in evangelism is an important part of growing your church in 2025. But how would you like a proven road map with TEN ways that you can reach more people than ever this year?
Join me THIS Thursday, Jan. 16 for a one-time-only FREE training: Grow Your Church in 2025.
Click here to learn more and save your FREE spot!
This 90-minute online training is the result of hours I’ve spent looking back at what growing churches do — and what they DON’T do.
Be sure to share this link with other pastors you know who can benefit from these 10 strategies to grow in 2025!
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