Free E-Books
By Nelson Searcy
Healthy Systems, Healthy Church
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
God designed all the parts of the body - both the church body and the physical body - to work together, allowing us to fulfill God's purposes and plans on this earth. And both of those respective bodies function best through well-developed systems. Nelson Searcy's revised Healthy Systems, Healthy Church...
What Gets Measured
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
"What gets measured gets done," but what do you measure each week at your church?
Just as you stay (or should) on top of the numbers that gauge your health, ex: blood pressure levels, weight, and height – The same is true when gauging the health of your church. The numbers are blinking indicators that let you know if all systems are well maintained or if they are in need of improvement.
How to Make a Great First-Time Guest Impression
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Seven minutes is all the time you have to make a positive first impression on the first-time guests who walk through your doors. In the first seven minutes of their experience with your church, your guests will decide whether or not they're going to come back.
The Power of Assimilation
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Get your FREE download of The Power of Assimilation E-Book - all about turning first time guests into fully-developed members of your church.
This e-book will give you a glimpse of what your Assimilation System is all about and get you in the mindset to make sure no one falls through the cracks at your church.
Resignation Checklist
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Handling a staff member resigning is never easy.
Whether it's a "good" resignation or a "not so good" one, the transition can be an emotional time and it's easy to miss important steps in the process if you're not prepared.
Hiring Checklist
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Finding and hiring the right people for your staff can make or break your church. So for good reason, most staffing attention is paid to the question of "Who?"
The Top 10% Principle
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
You know what needs to change in your church. But why haven’t those things changed? Why are you continuing with strategies that you know aren’t working for you? Why are you moaning but not moving? I bet the answer is the same for you as it is for the majority...
Before You Step on Stage
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Every teaching pastor must step on stage on a regular basis. Sunday comes around with amazing regularity. Preaching is a great responsibility…but also a tremendous opportunity. In Nelson Searcy's new Before You Step on Stage E-Book, he will help you develop a routine to make your teaching experience more enjoyable...
What’s Missing On Your Homepage
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Is the homepage on your church's web site missing key information that is keeping first-time guests from attending? Find out in this practical E-Book by Nelson Searcy!
How to Face Criticism
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
There are two types of church leaders: those who are dealing with criticism right now and those who will. Facing criticism is a fact of life for pastors, so the question isn't "will it come?" The question for us is "how will I respond?" In this FREE e-book, Nelson Searcy...
Double the Effectiveness of Your Preaching
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Standing up to preach God's word is a tremendous responsibility - not to be held lightly. As a teaching pastor, shouldn't you do everything you can to be sure that you're a good steward of every opportunity? In Nelson Searcy's new Double the Effectiveness of Your Preaching E-Book, you will learn a...
Activate: Uncut
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Due to length constraints, some pretty important material was left out of the introduction of the book Activate: An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups. So, now that many of you have had a chance to digest Activate and start implementing the system, Nelson Searcy has set out to take...
Overcoming the Seven Challenges of a Worship Pastor
$23.95 Value — Yours FREE!
Every worship pastor, regardless of church size, worship style, denomination, or demographic faces SEVEN MAJOR CHALLENGES that, without the systems to overcome them, can keep you from becoming all that God has called you to be as a worship pastor in your church. Jason Hatley's Overcoming the Seven Challenges of...
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Get Nelson Searcy’s “Healthy Systems, Healthy Church” E-book FREE! This FREE E-book will help you determine the current health of your church's systems and give you practical help as you lead your church to greater health and effectiveness.
Nelson Searcy Blog
Spots going fast…Keep More First-Time Guests – FREE webinar tomorrow
Hey, you’re invited to join a FREE 90-min online training TOMORROW, How to Keep More First-Time Guests. First-time guests are a gift from God and you can maximize every opportunity to make them feel fully welcomed when they come to your church. With a few small and inexpensive changes you could potentially DOUBLE the number of first-time guests who return ... Read More
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