I’ve got some inside info from my publisher for you – for a limited time you can pick up the e-book (Kindle) edition of my book, Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers, for only $2.99! You’ll save 82%!
This special get-the-word-out promotion is available for a short time only – choose one of the links below to get your discounted e-copy:
Amazon click here
Barnes & Noble click here
ChristianBook.com click here
In this practical step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to create a culture that keeps and grows volunteers.
Connect will give you the insight and tools you need to effectively involve people in serving the local church. It details how to help people see the importance of serving, how to continually raise up new volunteers, how to really delegate, and even how to “fire” a volunteer.
Every church leader who has struggled with getting and keeping people active in the church (and that’s all of them) will love the practical, workable strategies found here.
Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity – the book is only available for a short time.
Your partner in ministry,
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