The Key to Financial Peace: How to Manage Your Money Using the 70 Percent Principle

When you begin tithing, God’s spiritual laws kick into high gear. Since you are honoring him, he honors you. I’m not promising his blessings are always going to be tangible. But they will be there, tangible and intangible.

[bctt tweet=”When you begin tithing, God’s spiritual laws kick into high gear. Since you are honoring him, he honors you.” username=”nelsonsearcy”]

Imagine that a sum of money (like your paycheck!) comes into your life. What do you do? First of all, you don’t close your fist around it; you keep your hand open and thank God for it. Then you tell it where to go:

If you are not in debt…

  • The first 10 percent goes to your tithe.
  • The second 10 percent goes into savings.
  • The third 10 percent goes toward investments.

If you are in debt…

  • The first 10 percent goes to your tithe.
  • The second 10 percent goes to pay off debt.
  • The third 10 percent goes into savings.

One of the major keys to reaching financial peace is this: learn to live on 70 percent of your income.

[bctt tweet=”One of the major keys to reaching financial peace is this: learn to live on 70 percent of your income.” username=”nelsonsearcy”]

–Nelson Searcy and Jennifer Dykes Henson

The above excerpt is from pgs. 76 of The Generosity Ladder: Your Next Step to Financial Peace.

Help your people find financial peace with my best-selling book, The Generosity Ladder. Imagine a life in which you don’t struggle to make ends meet each month–a life with no debt, a healthy savings account, and solid plans for retirement. Imagine being able to help people in need and give to causes much bigger than your own concerns. This is how God wants everyone to live. And it is attainable. With the help of this practical and insightful book, your people will uncover their true level of financial health and discover a step-by-step plan to save, spend, and invest money in a responsible, godly way. Click here for more information on ordering in bulk for your church.

Your partner in ministry,


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About Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 3,500 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 18+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life, Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and At the Cross with the People Who Were There. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.

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