It’s On the Website, Duh! (Customer Service)

Yesterday I had a question about an event I’m scheduled to attend, so I emailed the info@ address on the Web site to ask my question. Much to my surprise, the response was almost immediate. So I excitedly clicked open the email only to read: <The answer to your question> is on our Web site, Sincerely, What?  Is that … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilationtagged with: ,,,

Have You Called Your Office Lately?

Here’s a great exercise… call your church office with a basic question like “what time are your services?” Or better yet, have a have friend do it. Then, sit back and see what happens. Are you able to reach a live person? If so, is the greeting friendly? Do they know how to transfer a call? Does the person answering … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilationtagged with: ,,,

Spend the Extra Two Seconds – Saturday with Seth

A great reminder from Seth Godin: Two Seconds “Sometimes, busy people need to remind themselves (and us) how busy they are by shaving off the last two seconds of what would otherwise be a pleasant interaction. At a restaurant yesterday, the maitre’d, who is paid to be busy, looked up our name in the reservations book and then said, “over … Read More

Nelson SearcyAssimilationtagged with: ,,