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Praising God when things are going well is easy, but how quick are you going to praise him when you feel overwhelmed? When your stress level is high, practice praising God for giving you the opportunity to grow. Let the strain you feel be a reminder to worship God for all he is doing in you and through you. As you do, God will use this practice to make you physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally healthier. You will be better able to sidestep the negative effects of stress while embracing all that God has in store for you in the future.
– Nelson Searcy and Jennifer Dykes Henson
The above excerpt is from p.170 of The New You: A Guide to Better Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness.
With your copy of The New You, you will come away with specific strategies on how to lose weight, get more sleep, lower stress, nurture better relationships, connect with God and much more! Anyone who wants to trade in the frustration of average living and less-than health for the hallmarks of the new life God promises will find The New You an effective personal guide for the journey.
Your partner in ministry,
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