Grace & The Millenial’s Work Ethic

Work EthicHere’s a great post I read recently which discusses the millenial and the impact that grace has on their work ethic.

Hard work is no longer cool among young Christians.

Although millennials seek to accomplish the most, they are willing to sacrifice the least. They want to change the world–as long as they can stay updated on Instagram. They wish to see radical change–just as long as they can do it on their own time and pace. Perhaps this is why, according to the Washington Post, only 27% of millennial college graduates have a job in their field.

In the same way Joseph helped create monumental global change for centuries to come thanks to his approach to menial, lowly, secular work. Whether as a servant, prisoner, or royal advisor–all secular fields– Joseph devoted himself wholly to it as an act of worship to God. He sweated and strived, but there was never a concern in his mind of “selling out” or rejecting God’s grace. Instead, he worked as a means of highlighting God’s grace. He gave every boss he had his 100% to show the power and goodness of his God.

Millennials can have their cake and eat it to. For all their quirkiness and inconsistencies, millennials can truly change the world and work hard doing it, but only if they see vocational work as complementary to God’s grace, and not contradictory.

Click here to read the full article.

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About Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 3,500 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 18+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life, Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and At the Cross with the People Who Were There. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry