The first commitment of being a pastor is to follow your Lord — to make your communion with Him more important than anything else in your life.
I can hear you pushing back already. You’re probably thinking, Come on, this is elementary. I’m a pastor. Of course I’m following the Lord. Let me challenge you to leave the surface level and dive a little deeper. The question isn’t if you are following; it’s how closely are you following? Your proximity to Jesus will define your life and leadership. Everything you do as a leader, a spouse, a parent, a mentor and a friend hinges on how good a follower you are.
There have likely been times in your life, as there have been in mine, when you’ve been so close to Jesus that you could hear His every whisper. There may have been other times when you’ve hung back. I encourage you to pause here for some honest self-evaluation: Right now, as you read these words, how intimate is your relationship with Jesus? How closely are you following Him, really? Are you right on His heels, positioned to hear every word that comes out of His mouth? Or are you distracted? Are you dropping back and allowing other people or things to come between you and Him? Your answers to these questions are directly linked to the current state of your life and ministry.
Join me next week for the second of this three-part series.
Your partner in ministry,
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