In this four-part blog series, I’m sharing the eight theological foundations that we’ve built our theology of ministry on at The Journey.
As you read thru these principles, I want to challenge you to work with God in leading your people into a deeper walk with Him by connecting them through biblical servanthood.
Principle #5: Serving opens people’s hearts to God and therefore is part of worship.
This foundation has profound implications for both Christians and non-Christians. Before an unbeliever can come to know Jesus and worship Him in truth, God has to open his heart to the reality of the Gospel. In my experience, non-Christians who find themselves in serving situations become receptive to God’s work in their life much more readily than those who don’t serve. For Christians, service not only opens people’s hearts to worship but also stands as an at of worship in and of itself. When we present our bodies and our time to God as willing servants, we are worshiping Him.
Principle #6: If people aren’t serving, they aren’t truly worshiping and growing in their faith.
Given this theological foundation, serving is a good way to measure worship and growth in your church. One of my favorite images of ministry is the football game analogy. Go to any college or professional football game and you’ll see 22 people on the field who are in desperate need of rest and tens of thousands of people in the stands who are in desperate need of exercise. Too often, that’s how our churches look. We have lots of people sitting on the sidelines who desperately need to grow, while the small minority who does everything desperately needs to take a break. That game plan may work in sports, but it will hinder your church in terms of both spiritual and numerical growth.
Strive for having 50 percent of your people serving one hour per week. They may be leading a growth group, singing on the worship team, serving as an usher or greeter, working in the kids’ area, or whatever else they are best suited to do. The point is that they are involved in serving in some way for an hour each week.
Join me next week for the final two principles.
Click here for Part 1 of this series.
Click here for Part 2 of this series.
Your partner in ministry,
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