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Nelson Searcy BlogNelson Searcy

30% Off my best-selling Assimilation Book: Why Fusion is a must-read for church leaders

Don’t let first-time guests slip through the cracks. I just found out about this big sale from my publisher — you can save 30% right now on my foundational book, Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests into Fully Engaged Members of Your Church. The savings grow to 40% when you pick up 20 or more, a great opportunity for church staff, welcome teams, ... Read More

The post 30% Off my best-selling Assimilation Book: Why Fusion is a must-read for church leaders appeared first on Church Leader Insights.

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Church Marketing Workshop

Church Marketing Workshop

In this new resource, Nelson reveals ALL the marketing tips, strategies and tactics he's discovered and applied from 25 years in ministry and coaching across the country! What you discover here will have a HUGE effect on your growth!

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