Today’s guest post comes to us from
You can preach the landmarks of a Bible book over the course of a few Sundays.
Let’s say you want to preach from a bigger book, but you like the idea of shorter series – is that possible? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Preach a shorter section – instead of feeling obligated to preach a whole book every time, why not preach a contained unit from a book for a series. You don’t have to give equal coverage to the whole book in this particular series, you can always come back for another section another time.
2. Have a Gospel/book of the year – we had a season in our church (over a year) where we were in Mark’s Gospel, but we didn’t want to be preaching it for months on end. We planned so that we had the Easter section at the right time of the year, but in the months before that we had covered some sections in midweek groups instead of on Sundays. This meant that our shorter series on Sundays were more focused and could be “branded” separately to allow for renewed energy in each mini-series. We also had breaks from Mark to spend time in other types of series and other types of biblical literature.
Click here to read the other two ways to create a shorter series.
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