Official Launch Book Site
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Welcome to the resource page for Launch. I hope that this page and the resources below will be instrumental in your church.
I want to personally invite you to check out the coaching that I offer. I believe that coaching helps make people the best they can be – that’s why professional singers and athletes still have coaches even though they’ve “made it.”
I offer 4 different levels of coaching – you can find out more and even sign-up at
On this page, you’ll find resources that you can download for free as well as some recommendations for additional resources that will help you as you start your church.
If you have any questions at all, you can email me at
Step 1: Bonus Offer: Join Nelson Searcy for free in an upcoming The 8 Systems of a Healthy Church Webinar. (Details below)
Step 2: Explore the possibilities of coaching through Church Leader Insights with Nelson
Step 3: Download your resources
Step 4: Contact us with any questions you have with the form below!
BONUS: Join Nelson Searcy for this FREE, 75-minute webinar to discover all eight of your church’s systems and how you can begin to make each of them more effective for greater health and growth.
Grow your church through healthy systems!
Like the human body, your church body functions best (and as intended) with optimized and healthy systems. By identifying and upgrading your church’s systems you’ll be able to reach more people and make stronger disciples.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
Click Here to Reserve Your Spot for Free!
Info About Personal Coaching
Coaching Ladder & Coaching Levels Description (PDF)
Click here to learn more about the coaching offered by Nelson Searcy
Audio Training Section
Click on audio files to download.
Launching Large Audio ($39.95 value)
You can launch a church much faster and larger than you think. Learn how in this resource by Nelson Searcy!
Funding Your Church Plant Audio ($39.95 value)
One question that we’re asked pretty regularly involves funding a new church plant – especially in a “less than ideal” economic environment. In this resource, Nelson will give you a few tips that will help you raise the funds that your new church will need to launch and become healthy as soon as possible.
Funding Your Church Plant. mp3 (67.5MB)
Starting a Worship Arts Team from Scratch Audio ($39.95 value)
Getting a worship team started can be hard work. In this resource, Nelson will give you a few tips that will help you build a healthy worship arts team from scratch.
Starting Worship Arts From Scratch.mp3 (67.5MB)
Top Ten Favorite Servant Evangelism Projects ($39.95 value)
Nelson Searcy wants to help your church grow and reach more people for Christ through one of the most powerful tools at your disposal – Servant Evangelism. Discover how to use simple acts of service to spread the gospel in your community!
Reaching Your Community Through Servant Evangelism Updated and Expanded.mp3 (54.6 MB)
Big Day Resources ($39.95 value)
Using Big Days is just a part of cooperating with God’s plan, and the way that God has worked all throughout history and will continue to work. In this resource, you’ll learn how to use big days to impact your church growth.
Planning Your Preaching Calendar Resource ($39.95 value)
Plan your preaching calendar months in advance for maximum effectiveness and minimum stress. With this free resource, you will learn three steps to planning your preaching calendar, how the seasons of the year can maximize your preaching, preaching for transformation versus information and so much more.
Planning a One-Year Preaching Calendar.mp3 (59.1MB)
Assimilation Seminar Audio ($99.95 value)
The fact is that nothing impacts the growth of your church FASTER than Assimilation — the process of welcoming first-time guests, keeping them coming back and eventually moving them to membership. Wherever you are, and whatever stage of life you’re in as a church, improving your Assimilation rate is going to have a dramatic impact on your church!
The Assimilation Seminar – 1.mp3 (72.4MB)
The Assimilation Seminar – 2.mp3 (47.7MB)
Personal Growth Resources ($29.95 value)
A growing church needs a growing pastor. Here are some proven strategies to help you as you lead.
Personal Growth Tips.mp3 (24.3MB)
Starting Small Groups from Scratch Audio Resource ($39.95 value)
Small Groups are an important part of the church systems. In this resource, you will find out surprising answers to questions such as: How do I get 100% of my church involved in Small Groups, How do I recruit enough Small Group leaders, and How do I train enough Small Group leaders?
Starting A Small Group From Scratch.mp3 (67.5MB)
Starting a Second Service Audio Resource ($39.95 value)
Are you thinking about starting a second worship service? In this downloadable resource, Nelson Searcy will help you think through and strategize everything you need to successfully start a second service and avoid the pitfalls of adding a service.
Starting A Second Service.mp3 (67.5MB)
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough Audio Resource ($39.95 value)
Fasting is one of our most powerful spiritual activities, so why is it so rarely practiced? Learn the misconceptions of fasting and how to do it effectively with Nelson Searcy.
Strategy Tools & Resources
Sample Strategy Document (DOC)
Strategy Bibliography (DOC)
Connection Card (PDF)
Invite Card (PDF)
New Believer Week 1 Email (DOC)
Sample Church Budget Worksheet (XLS)
Sample Strategy Budget Worksheet (XLS)
Sample Vision, Mission and Purpose Statements (DOC)
Sample Reports for Financial Partners (XLS)
Resources on Direct Mail
Healthy Systems, Healthy Church E-Book
Additional Recommended Resources
These highly recommended resources below are some of the best resources to help get your church started.
Resources on Promotion Design
For more resources on promotion design, check out Nelson Searcy’s Church Marketing Workshop where Nelson reveals ALL the marketing tips, strategies, and tactics he’s discovered and applied from 25 years in ministry and coaching across the country! What you discover here will have a HUGE effect on your growth!
Detail on Creating Powerful Worship Services
For more resources on creating powerful worship services, check out Nelson Searcy’s Worship Planning Seminar where you’ll learn how to develop a worship planning system that improves communication, enhances creativity and honors Christ each and every Sunday.
How Nelson Trains Our Church For Evangelism
For more resources on how Nelson trains our church on evangelism, check out Nelson Searcy’s Evangelism Seminar. In this three-hour seminar, you’ll discover how to create a church-wide climate of evangelism and outreach. Nelson Searcy will lead you through the practical steps you can take to get everyone in your church involved in reaching their friends and neighbors. You’ll develop a healthy, ongoing Evangelism System, including how to pray for the unchurched, how to challenge your leaders to engage the community and how to use publicity to attract people to your church!
Planning Your First Baptism Resources
For more resources on planning your first baptism, check out Nelson Searcy’s Maximizing Baptism Seminar. In The Maximizing Baptism Seminar, Nelson Searcy has developed a valuable five-step system that will equip you to PROMOTE, PREPARE, PREACH, PRESENT and PRESERVE every baptism in your church.
Information on Using The Next Step for Your Journey in Your Church
Suggested Reading on Tenets and Scriptural Grounding of Church Growth
Information on Cost-Effective Bulk Orders
Leadership Book Suggestions
Stay connected with Nelson, send him a message:
Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. By God's grace, he identified and developed the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® that he has used to coach over 3,500 churches in the US and around the world to adapt those eight systems to their unique ministry fields, resulting in great health and growth.
Nelson regularly coaches pastors online and in-person through the Church Leader Insights and Renegade Pastors Network ministries that he founded. He also leads several annual pastor in-person conferences and online training events. In ministry for more than 25 years, Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.”
He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 20+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry, The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research.
He is a longtime student of church history, especially mastering the areas of evangelism and church growth. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He battled Stage 4 cancer and has been cancer-free since 2018, praise God! He has an amazing wife, Kelley, and a teenage son, Alexander, who continues to grow in so many ways.