Executive & Associate Pastor Coaching Network
with Kerrick Thomas, Executive Pastor, The Journey Church of the City
Who is Eligible to Sign Up?
In order to be eligible, you must agree to the following without exception.
- You must hold the role of Executive Pastor or carry responsibilities in your church similar to that of an Executive Pastor.
Call into all 12 Tele-Coaching sessions from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST - New York Time) on the following Thursdays:
- January 23
- February 20
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 19
- July 17
- August 21
- September 18
- October 16
- November 13
- December 11
- One of these dates could be replaced with a LIVE Coaching Meeting (TBD).
Send Application for review to:
Kimberly Pankey, Church Leader Insights
7300 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487
E-mail: coaching@churchleaderinsights.com
Fax #: 561-584-5891
2014 Executive/Associate Pastor Coaching Network
This BRAND NEW Executive & Associate Pastor Coaching Network is a 12 month relationship-based coaching network for Executive & Associate Pastors seeking to improve their competency and increase their leadership skills in the 12 AREAS we've identified as crucial to being an effective Executive Pastor (see below).
You will connect with Kerrick and other Executive & Associate Pastors for 12 monthly sessions (each approximately 90-120 minutes long) focused on growing the skills necessary to be an effective Executive Pastor as well as mastering the 8 Systems of the Church from an Executive/Associate Pastor perspective.
Also – each month there will be special "Q & A" Calls where there will be direct dialogue on issues discussed that month or during previous months.
Kerrick Thomas will lead this Executive Pastor Coaching Network monthly - along with special presentations by other Journey Staff. Kerrick is the Executive Pastor of The Journey Church and leads and teaches at The Journey's largest campus in Manhattan, NYC.
- This Coaching Network will consist of 12 or more approved Executive Pastors
- The network will cover The Top 10 Executive Pastor Challenges such as: the systems of the church, the relationship with the senior pastor, leading staff, planning strategies/processes, stewardship/finances, space/facilities, etc.
- This Coaching Network comes with a FREE 12-month subscription to the Renegade Pastors Network ($1,188 value).

NO-RISK COACHING GUARANTEE: I'm so confident that you will find this Network beneficial that any time you can call my office and tell me that this network isn't benefiting your church or your leadership ability and I will refund your remaining balance. Plus, you can keep any of the resources, MP3s or seminar materials that you have received to date. Unlike some networks, you can back out of my network at any time without any obligation.
In other words, I want to remove any fear you might have in joining this network. You can try it with absolutely NO RISK!
Kerrick Thomas
Kerrick is the Executive Pastor at The Journey Church and leads and teaches
at The Journey's largest campus - The Journey NYC (locations in the Village, Upper West Side & Upper East Side).
Along with Nelson - Kerrick helped launch The Journey Church in New York
City in 2002 – which now has locations in Manhattan, Queens, and Boca
Kerrick has co-authored with Nelson Searcy two church leadership books - “Launch: Starting A New Church from Scratch” and “Activate: An Entirely New Way of Doing Small Groups.” Kerrick leads church systems seminars all over the country and regularly leads coaching networks for Executive Pastors, Church Planters and Small Group Pastors.
Here's what others are saying:
“I would highly recommend the Executive Pastor coaching network led by Kerrick Thomas. The systemic approach to ministry as displayed by the eight church systems will help any size church become healthy and health makes it grow. The material is well developed and the resources provided make the investment well worth it. This network has not only helped me grow, but has helped my entire team at all three of our campuses grow. Thanks to the Journey Church for being so generous!”
Wynne Lankford
Southside Church
Chesterfield, VA
“I had been studying the church systems for the about a year prior to joining the XP Coaching network and discovered I had all kinds of questions as to how different parts fit together as it tried initiating them at Hope Church. By being in the network, I've been able to hear about the systems in the context of my role in the church and have the opportunity to ask questions. Rather than trying to figure it all out alone, the network has been a tremendous resource for me personally as and my church as we implement the church systems.”
Matt Sturdevant
Hope Church
Forth Worth, TX
“The Executive Tele-Coaching Network has stretched my faith in Christ, my leadership skills and my relationship with my Lead Pastor. I recommend enrolling in the Executive Tele-Coaching network at the same time when your senior pastor is enrolled in the Senior Pastor Coaching network (if possible) so that you will be able to debrief about each other's learning's. The Executive Tele-Coaching Network has provided me with many tools that I began implementing to our new church plant and can be implemented to your established church. I've gotten so much out of the network and I recommend it to all Executive Pastors or Associate Pastors. Kerrick Thomas has done a thorough professional job in encouraging us, challenging us and celebrating with us.”
Luis Rivera
Crossroads Church
Long Island, NY
“My experience with the XP network was well worth my investment of time and finances. Kerrick has a very common sense approach to ministry and coaching. The resources you receive are invaluable, the illustrations and examples are real and the access you have to him is a tremendous benefit. I wish I would've done this coaching years ago. If you don't think you can afford the coaching - think again. You will benefit way more even if you only implement one of the many things you learn. Our church has already implemented fusion and activate. We are in the process of implementing the stewardship plan as well. You will learn more in 10 months with Kerrick than you would in 3 years on your own. Trust me - I did.”
Gary Fowler
C3 Church
Pinkerington, OH