Kick start your fall growth with over $239.00 in Resources PLUS TWO FREE MONTHS of the Renegade Pastors Network for just $99!
Get the Complete Package - Over 88% Off: Receive The Ignite Seminar, The New Believers Seminar and Reaching Your Community through Servant Evangelism PLUS Receive Access to Nelson’s Renegade Pastors Network for TWO FREE MONTHS for just $99. Hurry this opportunity ends FRIDAY, August 22nd!
Now is the time to make an all-out push toward a single Sunday for the purpose of breaking the next growth barrier and setting an attendance record, in order to reach as many people as possible for Jesus.
According to a recent study 96% of people who don’t attend church would come if they received an invitation. However, this same study said that only 2% of church members have invited someone to church in the past year.
This “Back to Church Package” will help you equip your people to invite their friends, neighbors and co-workers and give you the tools to make it possible for people to accept Jesus as their Lord.
The Ignite Seminar (A $99.95 Value)
DOUBLE your church by mobilizing your congregation to reach their friends and community!
The Ignite Seminar is the ultimate how-to training for church leaders who want to reach more people for Jesus Christ. In this three-hour seminar, Nelson Searcy will provide practical, inventive guidelines for bringing first-time guests through the doors.
This seminar sets forth a step-by-step, biblically grounded, proven plan for creating immediate church growth by utilizing a "Big Day" to mobilize your church for evangelism.
You can expect to learn:
- How to DOUBLE your church in a day (it can be done!)
- How to immediately raise the evangelism effectiveness of your church
- How to mobilize your congregation to reach their friends
- How to spark growth in a stalled church
- How to keep momentum year after year in a growing church
- How to excite your people, even if they've not been motivated in the past
- How to influence your leaders to reach out to the community
- How to plan and implement a proven BIG DAY process
- And much more!
The New Believer Seminar (A $99.95 Value)
Guide your new believers toward discipleship through a proven follow-up process!
How are you helping the people who make the most important decision of their life? Do you have an effective process that helps people move forward from their decision to becoming a fully-devoted follower of Christ?
In The New Believer Seminar, Nelson Searcy has developed a valuable system that will equip you to follow up with every new believer God brings to His church.
In this comprehensive downloadable resource, you will learn:
- How you can increase the number of people who indicate their decision for Christ (Hint: you probably have more people coming to Christ than you realize...they're just not telling you)
- How to ensure that every person is discipled and that "No New Believer Gets Left Behind"
- What to do and NOT do in the first hour after someone becomes a Christian and the four opportunities you have to follow up with new believers, and the importance of each opportunity
- Why your preaching calendar is crucial to your new believer follow-up
- The one thing you MUST do in order to see new believers grow
- How to cultivate the connection between prayer and new believers
- Plus much more!
Resources contain a complete listeners guide, leaders guide and the actual editable new believer follow-up strategy used by Nelson and The Journey Church each week. This one document alone - in which Nelson walks you through "why" and "how" to use and edit in the audio CDs - has been described by many as being worth the investment in this resource.
Reaching Your Community Through Servant Evangelism (A $39.95 Value)
Share God's love in practical ways - impact your community through "Servant Evangelism"!
Learn how to use simple acts of service to spread the gospel in your community. With this downloadable resource from Nelson Searcy, you will learn what Servant Evangelism is, how to plan effective projects for your community, and how to impact your community with the love of Christ.
This downloadable resource includes:
- What is Servant Evangelism?
- Why Servant Evangelism works
- How to get started doing Servant Evangelism
- Principles for effective Servant Evangelism
- 10 Servant Evangelism ideas
- BONUS - Sample PDF Invite Cards
Also Included: Your Membership in the Renegade Pastors Network
Get TWO FREE MONTHS ($198.00 value)
PLUS: Fast Action Immediate Bonus When You Join - Receive Over $813.20 in Renegade Pastor and Church Growth Resources!
With Your TWO FREE MONTHS of the Renegade Pastors Network You Will Also Receive the Following Resources:

- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church ($99.95 value)
- The Strategy Seminar ($99.95 value)
- From Stress to Rest Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
- Forgiveness: The Real F Word Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
- Relationship Rescue Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
- Introduction to Church Systems Webinar ($49.95 value)
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church Webinar ($49.95 value)
- Managing the Stress of Ministry ($29.95 value)
- Debt-Free Pastor ($29.95 value)
- Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough ($29.95 value)
- Maximizing Summer E-book ($23.95 value)
- The Thursday Midnight Rule ($19.95 value)
- What Gets Measured ($19.95 value)
- Personal Growth Tips ($19.95 value)
- The Power of a Combined Service ($19.95 value)
- The Decision Dilemma ($19.95 value)
A Renegade Pastor is someone who has abandoned "average" and is pursuing God's highest best for their life, their ministry and their church. In case you haven't noticed, 'average' is BAD...
- The average church is declining by 9% a year (the problem with a decline of 9% a year is that you generally don't notice it until year three and then it's too late).
- The average church is behind on budget and thus unable to say 'yes' to God-sized Kingdom opportunities should God send them their way (He probably won't because it would be an injustice - think about it).
- The average church is begging for money, begging for volunteers, begging for lost people to attend (begging may humble you but humility doesn't require it).
- The average church is seeking a new pastor every 18 months (easier to find a new pastor than break the cycle of average).
- The average church has developed systems to keep them and their pastor operating in average ways (that's why you need this network, my resources and my books - my systems are anything but 'average').
Did you go into ministry because you wanted to do 'average' things for an 'average' God at an 'average' church?
Do you pray to play it safe or do you pray to put a dent in hell?
That's one goal of a Renegade Pastor: put a dent in hell.
So a Renegade Pastor is someone who has abandoned "average" and is pursuing God's highest best for their life, their ministry and their church.
Are you ready to pursue this together in my new Renegade Pastors Network?
A Renegade pastor is obedient, surrendered, spirit directed and passionately abandoned toward a Kingdom. So, are you ready to describe yourself as "Renegade Pastor"?
There's a strong argument to be made that Jesus was a renegade. How about you? As a Renegade Pastor, you'll join me each month to look together at the calendar - what's coming up, what you should be thinking about now and in the weeks to come, and how to stay one step ahead in your planning and preparation. As time allows, you can even chime in and ask me questions about obstacles you're facing right now.
One of the leadership lessons I've learned is that:
All leaders ask, "What happens next?"
Renegades ask, "What happens AFTER what happens next?"
You will be challenged, equipped and I will guide and encourage you in each of these focus areas:
- Personal and professional growth
- Church Health and Growth
- Advanced Planning
- Healthy Church Systems
- Becoming a better spouse and parent
- Fulfilling your calling as a minister
- Stress Management and emotional strength
- . . . And so much more
See, the Renegade Pastors Network is about far more than just church growth (although that's a big part of it)... it's about a comprehensive approach to life and ministry.
YES! Please send me the Back to Church Package which includes:

- The Ignite Seminar ($99.59 value)
- The New Believer Seminar ($99.95 value)
- Reaching Your Community Through Servant Evangelism Resource ($39.95 value)
And start my two FREE months of Membership ($198.00 Value) in the monthly Renegade Pastors Coaching Network with Nelson Searcy. I understand I will receive full benefits for two months at no charge (and then only $99/mo lowest rate after 60 days).
Plus, as a fast action bonus, I'll immediately receive an additional $813.20 in Renegade Pastor / Personal Growth resources FREE that are mine to keep.
Your credit card will be charged today according to the payment option you selected above for The Back to Church Package.
After your 60 day free trial of the Renegade Pastors Network, you will be billed $99 and every 30 days after that. You can cancel at any time. Only submit the form once, otherwise more than one subscription may be charged to your account. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.
Your Renegade Pastor membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. If you run a network, please contact us about network pricing. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Scott Whitaker at scott@churchleaderinsights.com or by calling 800-264-5129 Ext 5.
Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, serving in ministry for more than 25 years and consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 50,000 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching, helping them break common growth barriers like 125, 250, 500, 1000 and beyond, all while maintaining personal life and ministry balance. For more accelerated growth, pastors also participate in Nelson’s Senior Pastor, Evangelism, Stewardship, Assimilation and Advanced Coaching networks. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 85 church growth resources and 15+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research. His continued mission is to help church leaders around the world cooperate with God in creating healthy, thriving churches. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.
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