A 'NO' can be a chance to help your people grow! Don't allow a 'No" to be a road block - this is where the pastoring begins!
There is a secret to responding to the eight types of “NO” you may get when you ask a volunteer to serve. There is a path where you can still pastor and lead your volunteers to help them grow spiritually. Learn Pastor Nelson Searcy’s exact system for asking volunteers to serve and how you can apply it to your church!
Pick up this BRAND NEW resource, When Volunteers Say No, AND over $459.80 in Bonuses for the super low introductory rate of only $59 (regularly $199.95)!
That’s a total retail value of $659.75 – you save over 89%!
Hurry - Special Pricing and Bonuses Will End THIS Friday, August 12th!
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Nelson Searcy |
Dear Pastor,
The following sentence contains a lie — See if you can find it:
** Every time I ask a volunteer to serve at The Journey Church, they always say “YES!” **
Did you see the lie?
Before I confess it, let me state what is true in the sentence above:
True: I ask volunteers to serve all the time.
True: The Journey Church, where I pastor, just like your church is completely dependent on our volunteers (just try doing church without them — ouch!).
True: As pastors we have to ASK people to serve if they are ever gonna step up and grow and find significance.
True: When I ask volunteers to serve I usually get an answer (OK, there is this one guy who never returns my calls . . . but that's for a future email).
So what's the lie? Here it is:
Lie: I always get a “YES” when I ask volunteers to serve.
Now, to be clear . . . I do get some “yes's.”
And, I get more “yes's” today then I did when I first started in ministry (I've learned to ask better and ask the right people more often).
Furthermore, I have secured hundreds of “yes's” (maybe thousands) over the years and it’s been one of my great delights as a pastor to see people grow through serving.
But, as often as I ask, volunteers tell me NO. Can you relate?
Why am I telling you all of this? Well, first, I hope it’s because you CAN relate (just like you, I'm a pastor in the trenches leading and asking people to serve).
But, I'm also telling you this because I've learned a big secret that has changed everything.
This secret is so powerful that instead of crying when someone tells me no, I get excited!
This secret is so insightful that it will dramatically change how you view your ministry to volunteers.
This secret is so ministry-changing, that I'm going out of my way to share it with as many pastors as I can.
So what's the secret?
Let me frame it this way — the next time you ask a volunteer to serve and they respond “No,” here's the secret:
SECRET: A “No” is not a dead end; it’s a fork in the road.
For the average pastor, when they ask someone to serve and that person says “No,” it’s the end of the conversation. Phone call ends. Conversation is changed. Defeat is acknowledged.
But for the pastor who knows my secret, the “No” is not a dead end. It’s a fork in the road that can still lead to spiritual growth, pastoral opportunities and even a future “Yes!”
This concept has been so radical for me that I've been teaching it to our staff for years.
Recently, I started teaching it to my highest level coaching networks and they pushed me to gather ALL that I've learned in one place.
Late on a Friday afternoon, not too long ago, I taught in great detail on the subject: “What to Do when a Volunteer Says No.”
Due to the pastors in the room, some of whom had been in coaching with me for over a decade, I pushed myself to go deeper and deeper into the topic than ever before. I not only wanted to train the new folks, but also give fresh insights to those who have studied with me for years.
According to that small group of original listeners, God has used that training in some powerful ways.
And I want to offer this same training to you.
I have shared the secret with you — when a volunteer says “No,” it’s not a dead end; it’s a fork in the road.
But what does that mean?
We've established that not everyone you (or I) ask to serve will say “Yes.” So what about those who do say “No?”
How can you still pastor them?
How can you still help them grow?
How can you help them find the same fulfillment others have found in serving?
It all comes down to knowing what to do when a volunteer says no. I want to teach you that in my brand new resource.
But before I tell you what you will learn, let me tell you what I do not suggest. I don't suggest you ignore the no and keep asking.
I'm not talking about disrespecting your volunteers, not listening to them or manipulating them in any way (in fact, you know me and you know that I am deeply committed to church health . . . that is, healthy sheep in my congregation. I'm driven to lead a healthy growing church. Never harm the sheep is one of my pastor mantras . . . but I digress).
What I am talking about is a compassionate pastoral skill to know what to do when a volunteer says no.
I want to teach you new skills in this new resource. Here's a sample of what you will learn:
- What does the “No” really mean? (in this resource I'll explain the eight types of “No's” and how each one demands a unique response).
- What can you do to pastor that person to the next level, even though they just said “No” to the one thing you were asking.
- How to use the “No” to deepen your pastoral connection with the person so they know you really care about them.
- How to handle your own personal feelings about receiving a “No” (yes, it stings) and look beyond that and see the spiritual growth potential in that “No.”
- How to help someone grow, mature and become more like Christ even if they say 'no' to the specific thing you are asking them to do.
- The eight different types of “No's” (from “Nah” to “Not now/Not ever”) and the specific strategies and pastoral skills you can use for each one (to think that every “No” is the same is foolish).
- Why sometimes you are not the right person to be asking volunteers to serve . . . and how to find just the person to do it (yes, you have to do a lot of asking yourself, but don't do it all yourself).
- I'll deliver some hard truths to you (i.e., maybe you aren't getting “Yes's” because God knows you aren’t ready yet) but I'll also show you specific steps you can take to grow to the next level.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what I cover in this three-hour resource. Here's even more of what we will cover:
- I will also help you know how to clarify each and every “ask” so you are less likely to get a “No” (people say “No” to what's confusing).
- I will help you develop a pre-ask plan + how to be ready for whatever answer they give you (planning is a leader’s best friend).
- How to build more confidence (and, dare I say it, authority) in making asks and in handling responses.
- How to deal with the feelings and pain we all feel when we get a “No” (as a pastor, it hurts when people don’t do what we know is good for them, doesn’t it?).
- I will help you approach each volunteer as a unique person and ask appropriately (and, if it happens, how handle their “No” uniquely). Beware of any “one size fits all” approaches to volunteers.
- How to prepare for the conversation so you get minor agreements that lead to the right “Yes.”
- I'll encourage you and your team to keep on asking (that sounds like something Jesus told us we should do) even if you have to deal with a few “No's.”
- I'll show you my exact system for asking and how you can apply it in your church.
- Which method — like phone call, conversation, sms text or emails — is best for asking and, more importantly, when NOT to use certain methods.
- I'll show you how “No” is sometimes the best response because there’s something more spiritually important that God has for you and the person you are talking to.
- I'll teach you what I call the “chain of salvation” — a powerful image that you need to understand and teach to every volunteer. This alone is worth your investment in this resource!
Are you ready to secure this resource and gain new wisdom to help your people grow?
Say YES to growth and health. Say YES for your volunteers. Say YES to investing in yourself and developing these skills that can be easily learned.
Make the investment in yourself, your church and your volunteers.
Secure this new resource today.
There's always a reason to delay but let me challenge you to secure your resource now.
One, there's an urgency to this resource because Fall is just around the corner and that's prime volunteer recruitment time.
Two, as part of the New Release process for this resource I'm offering a special discount that WILL go away (In the past, I've had people upset with me because they fail to act quickly and then have to invest more later on). Your investment in this resource now will never be lower.
Three, there's a ton of fast action bonuses to complement the resource and help you with this issue. These too will go away very soon. See below for full details.
Your need for volunteers is now. The need for this resource is now. Let me challenge you to take action now.
And you will also notice, that with the resource you can secure a test drive of my Renegade Pastors Network (you will be rewarded for giving it a full test drive) but you can also choose to decline the network. It's your call.
I want you to have this resource and use it! The teachings I give you have taken me years to learn and I'm glad to have learned them. I'm a better pastor and leader because of these lessons. My volunteers are glad I know these lessons.
And what has taken me years to learn, I can teach you in a few hours.
Let's keep growing together.

Nelson Searcy
Hurry, Special Pricing and Bonuses Will End THIS Friday, August 12th!
Almost Three Hours of Training broken down into easy-to-manage segments on MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately!Complete Transcript of the three-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader’s Guide so that you can take this workshop and train other pastors and key leaders on your team. You’ll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
So as an introductory special – so you have the greatest opportunity for success in growing your volunteers – today you can save over 89%! The total retail value of this package is $659.75 – but you can download everything for only $59!

A little about Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, serving in ministry for more than 25 years and consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 50,000 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching, helping them break common growth barriers like 125, 250, 500, 1000 and beyond, all while maintaining personal life and ministry balance. For more accelerated growth, pastors also participate in Nelson’s Senior Pastor, Evangelism, Stewardship, Assimilation and Advanced Coaching networks. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 85 church growth resources and 15+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research. His continued mission is to help church leaders around the world cooperate with God in creating healthy, thriving churches. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.
Hurry, Special Pricing and Bonuses Will End THIS Friday, August 12th!

Game On Sermon Series – A $99.95 Value – Yours FREE!
This five-part sermon series has been used at The Journey to double the number of volunteers in our church! This series will will help you show your people the real value of volunteering. You will challenge them to ask God to use them and, in doing so, fulfill a 2,000-year-old prayer that Jesus prayed. They will learn how to fulfill God's mission for their lives by serving others and giving their lives to something bigger than just themselves. This powerful series specifically addresses areas like how God uses us, how to activate our gifts, how to break free from selfishness and how to ask God to use them to fulfill His mission for a more fulfilling life.
Messages Include:
- It’s Time to Ask God to Use Me
- It’s Time to Activate My Gifts
- It’s Time to Open My Heart to Those in Need
- It’s Time to Break Free of Selfishness
- It’s Time to Walk Across the Room
Includes audio files, message notes, transcripts and more than 95 graphics and documents to use in launching the series.

The Stress Management Seminar - A $299.95 value – Yours FREE!
Recruiting and managing volunteers to get everything done can be stressful (yes, that is an understatement!). It's no double one of the biggest challenges facing church leaders and it can feel overwhelming when you can't find enough support week to week. But it doesn't have to be. Nelson has discovered some proven ways YOU can control your stress, instead of the stress controlling your life and ministry. And he'd like to share them with you in this three-hour resource with practical steps that you can start implementing immediately!
In this brand new resource, you will discover:
- Why you DON’T work best under pressure!
- How to know the difference between good and bad stress
- How to channel good stress into your growth as a leader
- The 3 most important time management tips to reduce stress
- Scriptural references to help you manage stress
- How to handle conflict and “live in peace with others”
- What you can and cannot control – and how to respond accordingly
- Critical roles that others play in helping you manage stress
- The correlation between stress and time
- 4 ways to create opportunities for rest
- How to truly get 60 minutes out of an hour!
- Best practices for prioritizing your never-ending to-do list
- How to protect and find more time for prayer and devotion
- Why it’s OK to talk to yourself (as long as it’s the right things!)
- How to break the momentum of stress – at critical moments
- The ONE thing you must do daily to minimize stress
- How to break free from the cycle of rushing
- Where growth really happens in the midst of stress

How to Handle Criticism – A $29.95 Value – Yours FREE!
When managing a volunteer system and interacting with your volunteers, it's a fact: You will face criticism. And it's always that ONE critical comment that you focus on, right? If you're not careful, criticism will bring damaging effects to you, your ministry and all the key relationships in your life. In this 30-minute audio training, Nelson shows you how to respond to the reality of criticism - no matter where it comes from - so that you don't let it derail your ministry.
He will share a number of helpful insights for handling criticism in a healthy and God-honoring manner including:
- How to strengthen your foundation
- How to limit your exposure to criticism in the first place
- 4 keys to mastering the art of confrontation
- The role of other leaders in your life to help you put criticism in its place!
- How to prevent criticism from stealing your joy and overwhelming you with discouragement

Top 10% Principle – A $29.95 Value – Yours FREE!
To improve your volunteer system faster, start with the top 10% of your volunteers. In this 30-minute audio training, Nelson will show you how powerful this principle can be in affecting change in your church - if you have the Top 10% of the influencers in your church on board - you can do just about anything you feel God is leading you to do! You will learn:
- How to identify the influencers in your church - including the top 10% of your volunteers
- The Four C's of Change and why all four must work together.
- How the seasons of the year create natural opportunities for you to work with your Top 10%.
- The ultimate goal of working with your Top 10% is to help them grow spiritually and what you can do to help them.
- How to get people to understand the integral role they serve in the church is much bigger than they are.
- And more!

Plus, you can receive TWO MONTHS of membership in Nelson Searcy’s NEW Renegade Pastors Network ($1,110.20 value!)
The Renegade Pastors Network is about a comprehensive approach to life and ministry. As a member, Nelson will help you stay one step ahead of the calendar, make the most of your time and resources and fulfill your calling for the sake of the Kingdom.
Together, with Nelson you’ll focus on:
- Personal and Professional Growth
- Church Health and Growth
- Advanced Planning
- Healthy Church Systems
- Becoming a Better Spouse and Parent
- Fulfilling Your Calling as a Minister
- Stress Management and Emotional Strength
- And much more!
Here are just some of the Bonus Resources that You Receive with this opportunity:
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church ($99.95 value)
- The Strategy Seminar ($99.95 value)
- From Stress to Rest sermon series ($99.95 value)
- Introduction to Church Systems Webinar ($49.95 value)
- Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough ($29.95 value)
- The Thursday Midnight Rule ($19.95 value)
- What Gets Measured ($19.95 value)
- Personal Growth Tips ($19.95 value)
- Forgiveness: The Real F Word sermon series ($99.95 value)
- Relationship Rescue sermon series ($99.95 value)
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church webinar ($49.95 value)
- Managing the Stress of Ministry ($29.95 value)
- Debt-Free Pastor ($29.95 value)
- The Power of a Combined Service ($19.95 value)
- The Decision Dilemma ($19.95 value)
- Maximizing Summer E-book ($23.95 value)
The Renegade Pastors Network is an optional monthly COACHING MEMBERSHIP that includes:
- The Renegade Pastors LIVE MONTHLY UPDATE AND LEADERSHIP BRIEFING. At the heart of the network is a monthly update and briefing from Nelson via LIVE Conference Call. This monthly "pastor to pastor" call (which will be recorded on MP3 for your library) will be personal, practical, packed with content and slightly irreverent (but in a good way) training where Nelson will challenge you, enlighten you, equip you and guide you to maximize your next season of ministry.
With the Renegade Pastors Monthly Update and Briefing, you'll always be one step ahead in your planning and fully inspired and equipped to stay the course of the renegade lifestyle ($199.00 per month value).
- Two practical, nuts-and-bolts CD's sent directly to your mailbox each month. Even if you can't make the live briefing or equipping calls - we'll be sure you don't miss a thing each month.
- Monthly bonus mail package to help you stay on track and ahead of the calendar. This monthly kit will be mailed to you, including recordings, transcripts, members-only opportunities, event invitations and more!
- Private Call-In-Hours where you can talk directly to Nelson ($295.00 per month value).
- FREE Church Growth Champions newsletter, featuring pioneers of church growth and evangelism to inspire you and your ministry
- RESTRICTED ACCESS Online Membership Site/Blog/Resources ($99.00 per month value). You'll have instant access to all your Renegade Pastor benefits, documents, recordings, etc. in your online Renegade Pastors hub.
- Continually Updated RENEGADE PASTORS RESOURCE DOCUMENTS AND DIRECTORY ($399.00 per month value). If there's a document that we use at The Journey or that is shared by someone else in the network (and I think it's helpful) Nelson will share it with you.
- Members-Only 30% DISCOUNT on all Church Leader Insights Resources ($245.00 value).
- FREE Webinar Access to all Church Leader Insights Webinars ($197.00 per month value).
- NETWORK ONLY rates on Coaching Networks and Advanced Coaching Networks ($148.00 per month value). As a member of the Renegade Pastor Network, you'll be able to upgrade to a future Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network or one of our other networks at the lowest possible rate.
- Lowest Event Registration Rate for all Church Leader Insights Events ($100.00 per month value), including upcoming Renegade Pastors Conferences and Church Systems Bootcamps.
- $595.00 SHOPPING SPREE Gift Certificate upon completion of your sixth month in the Network ($99.00 per month value).
- $813.20 in immediate FREE Resources when you join today! These resources are waiting for you in your Renegade Pastors Network Online Hub - you can start taking advantage of these resources immediately!

Includes a FREE Renegade Pastors T-shirt ($19.95 value)
Get this BRAND NEW resource as a special introductory package – Total Retail Value of $659.75
Yours for only $59! Includes $459.80 in FREE Bonus Resources – You save over 89%!

If you listen to and apply the lessons from this resource and you still do not believe you have discovered how to turn every “no” you get from a volunteer into a new opportunity for growth, just return it ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR for a full no-hassle, no questions asked refund

Save Big - Get the Best Rate for this Resource Plus Two FREE Months of the Renegade Pastors Network with an additional $1,011.20 in bonuses! |
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Downloadable Version - Only $59 (Save $30.00) |
Boxed CD Set Only $89! (Save $30.00) |

I'd like to decline the Renegade Pastors discount and the Two FREE Months of membership - and not receive the additional $1,011.20 in bonuses.
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Boxed CD Set |
Yes Nelson, I would like to get this new resource, When Volunteers Say No, for a special one-time only rate.
Prefer to order by phone? Just call 561-921-8488, ext 1 for assistance.
Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. By God's grace, he identified and developed the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® that he has used to coach over 3,500 churches in the US and around the world to adapt those eight systems to their unique ministry fields, resulting in great health and growth.
Nelson regularly coaches pastors online and in-person through the Church Leader Insights and Renegade Pastors Network ministries that he founded. He also leads several annual pastor in-person conferences and online training events. In ministry for more than 25 years, Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.”
He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 19+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry, The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research.
He is a longtime student of church history, especially mastering the areas of evangelism and church growth. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He battled Stage 4 cancer and has been cancer-free since 2018, praise God! He has an amazing wife, Kelley, and a teenage son, Alexander, who continues to grow in so many ways.