Q: You recommended doing a “full church campaign” in the fall. That just looks like an extra long series on the calendar – can you explain further what is involved in a campaign like this?
A: I do recommend doing a full church campaign each fall. The concept behind the campaign is to take your entire church through the same study and teaching topics at the same time.
It will be a powerful time of spiritual growth for your people and provides a measure of church-wide momentum that is sometimes hard to come by.
During this campaign the Sunday messages and Small Group curriculum are coordinated, and we typically put together a daily devotional for all of our people, so that everyone in the church is learning, stretching and growing in the specific area that we’re focusing on.
For example, this fall we’re going through “The Relationship Principles of Jesus,” so our people are learning how to apply Jesus’ relationship principles in the weekend service, in their small group and in their daily quiet time. It takes planning and work to do a full church campaign, but the resulting life change that we have seen is worth every minute.
P.S. – Two proven full church campaigns that will ramp up the spiritual growth at your church are The New Testament Challenge and Financial Freedom.
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