We often get asked questions about where Small Groups should meet, what’s most effective and how important location is in planning for groups.
I’ve asked Adam Bishop, our Small Groups Pastor at The Journey, to share some thoughts on where groups meet:
Thanks Nelson — This is actually one of the most important topics that Kerrick and I address in the Small Groups Tele-Coaching Network that we lead. We have found through surveys of our Group Members that location is the first feature people look at when deciding what Group they will sign up for.
So at The Journey we make sure that each Group has a location listed in its description both on our website and in our catalog.
However, the location is for a general area, not a specific address.
In Manhattan we will list the location as Midtown, Upper West Side, or Upper East Side, but depending on your church’s setting it may be helpful to list by neighborhood or Elementary school zone.
We list general areas for safety reasons because we don’t want to publish our Group Leaders home addresses on our website or in the catalog.
We also do this so that our Group Leaders can supply the specific meeting place and detailed directions as a part of their follow-up after people sign up.
Now, as for where the Groups meet… Some of our Groups meet in homes and some meet in public places like parks, restaurants, or public buildings.
We rent space for our services on Sunday so we don’t have a permanent church location for Groups to meet in, which even if we did, we would still have our Groups meet in the community in homes or public places.
Now, we do ask our leaders to choose a location and stick with it for the full 8-12 week semester as opposed to rotating week to week like some groups encourage. There are a lot of reasons for this, one of which is consistency for people who may not be able to attend every weekly meeting.
This one of the many topics that Kerrick and I go in much further detailing discussing in the upcoming Small Groups Pastor Tele-Coaching Network, which begins in November.
This new Tele-Coaching Network has proven to be helpful and encouraging, as you will interact with other Small Groups Pastors and Directors who are striving to maximize the spiritual growth in their church through small groups.
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