I listen to my own sermons. It’s painful, but I do it. I do it because it helps me become a better speaker (late at night it also helps my insomnia).
Church Leader insights is about about to release a Sermon Series Kerrick Thomas (our Executive Pastor) and I did at The Journey Church entitled “Fully Engaged: The Power of a Committed Life,” and last week I was listening to the messages.
As I listened to the message “Fully Engaged in My Church,” I was reminded what I dream about. In this message we challenged the people at The Journey to be fully engaged in our church by taking five actions:
- To take responsibility daily for my spiritual growth.
- To practice contentment in all areas of my life.
- To serve one hour a week in my church.
- To invite one friend a month to church with me.
- To bring the full tithe to God each week.
That’s what I dream about. A church filled with people constantly becoming more and more engaged in our church because they are living out these five commitments. We can’t make people become more committed, but we can dream, and we can work, and we can challenge them in clear and specific way to take steps each week to become more fully engaged.
I like the way The Apostle Paul said it;
“We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.” – Colossians 1:28-29
Keep Dreaming…
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