Today’s blog comes to us from my friend and stewardship mentor Steve Stroope as an excerpt from his book, Money Matters in Church: A Practical Guide for Leaders. Steve is lead pastor of the multi-campus Lake Pointe Church near Dallas, Texas. Under his leadership, the congregation has grown from 57 members in 1980 to a current attendance of more than 11,000. Steve will be joining me as a speaker at the Church Systems Check-Up and Boot Camp this summer (see the PS for more details).
The following treatment is not meant to be exhaustive but representative of Jesus’s teachings on finances found primarily in the Gospels. These are most instructive for Jesus’s disciples in today’s churches regarding their giving. As you develop your theology of financial stewardship, consider the following questions:
- What principle does Jesus teach in Luke 16:10 – 15 about the two masters: God and money?
- What does Jesus teach us about how to give in Matthew 6:1 –
4? How important are one’s motives to what one gives?
- According to Matthew 6:19 – 24, the Savior teaches us where we should store up our money. What does this reveal about where our hearts are and what we truly value in life?
- What does Jesus teach about the material needs of his true disciples in Matthew 6:25 – 34?
- What does the Lord teach us about how much we should give in Mark 12:41 – 43? Who gave more, the widow or the rich man?
- According to Acts 20:35, which is more important, giving or receiving? This is a passage where Paul quotes Jesus, but the quote isn’t found in the Gospels. Of course it’s still instructive. What do you learn from this?
- What does the Savior experience in Luke 8:1 – 3 teach about workers in the church receiving financial support? Some argue that receiving such support is wrong. What do you think?
Excerpt from Money Matters in Church: A Practical Guide for Leaders by Aubrey Malphurs and Steve Stroope
P.S. – Meet Steve at Boot Camp!
Focus: Stewardship
He’ll be one of the keynote speakers at the three-day Church Systems Check-up & Boot Camp at Walt Disney World, Orlando. Steve will share his expertise in stewardship with practical and impactful next steps you can take to grow your ministry.
Time is running out to save big with the Early Bird Rate! Join me, Steve, Dr. Gary McIntosh and Kerrick Thomas for the all-new 2015 Church Systems Check-up and Boot Camp, July 22-24 at Disney World, Orlando. This year’s key theme is one of the most highly requested – STEWARDSHIP. You will discover how each of the 8 systems can raise the level of stewardship in your church. Plus, drill down on ALL 8 Systems of a healthy church with practical strategies you and your team can take back and start implementing right away!
Last Chance for Early Bird Rate – Ends Today! Register Now and Save $300.00!
Ends Today – Early Bird + Bonuses – Click here to Save One of the Last Remaining Seats!
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