As a leader you must continually position yourself for growth – the health of your ministry depends on it.
And as a leader you bear full responsibility for that growth. Just like you can’t force the people in your church to grow, no one can force you.
The choice to keep growing is yours – and yours alone.
Attendance at the average church is declining by 9 percent every year. Nine percent is a dangerous number– just small enough that you don’t notice it at first. By the time you do notice, you’re already in trouble because that equates to a 15 to 20 percent dip in the budget.
Sometimes finding a new pastor is easier than dealing with the underlying problems that keep the church caught in the cycle of mediocrity. The average church begins a search for a new pastor every 18 months. But a new pastor never solves the problem for long, because the average church has inadvertently put systems in place to keep both itself and its pastor average.
Given these realities, do you think God has any desire for you to be average?
Are you ready to transform your life and ministry from average… to Renegade? I am excited to share with you this book that is more than a book for me….
It’s about a mission. It’s all about my heart for pastors.
(Regal Books, Hardcover, $19.95 retail)
It’s no accident that this book – “The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry” – shares the same name as one of my central coaching networks. The ideas in this book were first introduced and molded through the real-life work of transforming average ministries into renegade missions that truly glorify God and His Kingdom.
If you are like the majority of pastors, your years of ministry have decreased your passion and increased your frustration. In the midst of life’s chaos and the pressures of leading church week after week, “average” may have become our new standard – but you’ve been called to do so much more.
What I’ve learned through years of working with other pastors in my networks, is a simple but profound truth – as I share in the book: “If you want to grow a healthy church and have a happy personal life, look at what the average pastor is doing and do the opposite.” (The Renegade Pastor, page 22)
That’s what I’m passionate about because I’ve seen the results of committing to rebelling against average. So it’s my challenge to you and all pastors today – Are you ready to Go Renegade?
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. I’m so deeply passionate about the message of my new hardcover book, The Renegade Pastor. You may think I’m crazy (some of my staff members sure do!) for introducing it to you for just $1.00 – but that’s how important it is to me that you experience the transformation that I share in this book.

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